20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - urihandler.py        - 335  - Opened Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www]
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 59   - Initialised: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: 
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {} (0)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 97   - Found expired session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 1762.69 minutes (29.38 hours) ago
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 48   - Add-On start detected. Performing startup actions.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 194  - Current platform determined to be: Linux
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 149  - Found CDM folder: /storage/.kodi/cdm
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - Kodi Information:
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Version: 21.1 (21.1.0) Git:21.1-Omega
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | BuildDate: 2024-08-18
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Environment: Linux64
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Platform: Linux
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Python Version: 3.11.9
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Retrospect Version: 5.7.17
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | AddonID: plugin.video.retrospect
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Path: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | ProfilePath: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | PathDetection: addon.getAddonInfo('path')
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | TranslatePath: xbmcvfs.translatePath
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Encoding: utf-8
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | Widevine Path: /storage/.kodi/cdm/libwidevinecdm.so
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - | TextureMode: Resources
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 88   - + TextureUrl: https://retrospect-addon.github.io/resource.images.retrospect/resources
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - addonsettings.py     - 724  - Using the Retrospect Default Bitrate: 0
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - Retrospect Settings:
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | ClientId: 0674027c-6f47-11ef-b9c7-2ccf6771820b
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | MaxStreamBitrate: 0
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show_subtitles: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Cache_http_responses: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Folder Prefix: ''
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Mix Folders & Videos: False
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Empty List Behaviour: dummy
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | ListLimit: 150
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Loglevel: 10
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Ignore SSL Errors: False
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Geo Location: None
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Filter Folders: False
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | DRM/Paid Warning: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Hide DRM Items: False
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Hide Premium Items: False
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show Cloaked Items: False
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show Dutch: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show Swedish: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show Lithuanian: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show Latvian: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show British: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show German: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - | Show Finnish: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 91   - + Show Other languages: True
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - Folder Structure of Retrospect (plugin.video.retrospect)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/README.md
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/retroaddon.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/action_install_widevine.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/LICENSE.md
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/retroservice.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/retromenu.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/addon.xml
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/settings.xml
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/media/retrospect02.jpg
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/media/poster.jpg
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/media/fanart.jpg
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/media/banner.jpg
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/media/icon.png
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/media/retrospect03.jpg
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/media/retrospect01.jpg
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ro_ro/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.cs_cz/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ru_ru/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.en_nz/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.hu_hu/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.fo_fo/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.fa_ir/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.fr_ca/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.my_mm/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.az_az/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.mt_mt/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ja_jp/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.da_dk/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.be_by/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.it_it/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.os_os/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.kn_in/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.es_ar/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.zh_cn/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ko_kr/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.hi_in/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ms_my/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.de_de/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.mi/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.es_mx/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.id_id/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.uz_uz/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.tr_tr/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.cy_gb/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.sk_sk/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.mk_mk/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.mn_mn/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.is_is/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.bg_bg/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.zh_tw/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.sl_si/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.gl_es/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.fa_af/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ml_in/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.uk_ua/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.sr_rs/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.szl/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.lv_lv/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.eu_es/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.he_il/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.el_gr/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.eo/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.nb_no/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.sv_se/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.vi_vn/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.es_es/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.pt_pt/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.pt_br/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.lt_lt/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.sr_rs@latin/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.th_th/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ar_sa/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.af_za/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.en_us/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.et_ee/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.te_in/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.sq_al/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ast_es/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.si_lk/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.en_au/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.fi_fi/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.tg_tj/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.am_et/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.fr_fr/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.hy_am/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ta_in/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.pl_pl/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.nl_nl/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.ca_es/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.hr_hr/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/language/resource.language.bs_ba/strings.po
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/mediatype.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/retroconfig.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/initializer.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/urihandler.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/environments.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/channelinfo.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/chn_class.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/contextmenu.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/mediaitem.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/envcontroller.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/parserdata.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/locker.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/cloaker.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/contenttype.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/plugin.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/xbmcwrapper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/addonsettings.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/addon.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/logger.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/kodifactory.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/player.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/version.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/webdialogue.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/favourites.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/proxyinfo.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/pickler.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/vault.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/regexer.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/menu.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/subtitlehelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/sessionhelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/jsonhelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/taghelperbase.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/channelimporter.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/xmlhelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/htmlhelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/logsender.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/templatehelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/encodinghelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/languagehelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/stopwatch.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/htmlentityhelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/helpers/datehelper.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/textures/remote.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/textures/local.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/textures/resourceaddon.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/textures/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/settings/localsettings.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/settings/settingsstore.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/settings/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/settings/kodisettings.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/authentication/authenticationhandler.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/authentication/rtlxlhandler.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/authentication/authenticator.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/authentication/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/authentication/gigyahandler.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/authentication/authenticationresult.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/connectivity/cachehttpadapter.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/connectivity/streamcache.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/connectivity/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/keyword.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/actionparser.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/channellistaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/logaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/executeaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/folderaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/action.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/contextaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/iptvmanageraction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/cleanaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/favouritesaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/searchaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/configurechannelaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/vaultaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/addonaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/categoryaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/videoaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/shortcutaction.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/youtube.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/vualto.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/f4m.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/m3u8.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/mms.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/mpd.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/adaptive.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/__init__.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/smil.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/streams/npostream.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/twit/chn_twit.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/twit/chn_twit.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/extreme/chn_extreme.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/extreme/chn_extreme.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/dumpert/chn_dumpert.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/dumpert/chn_dumpert.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/hardwareinfo/chn_hardwareinfo.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/hardwareinfo/chn_hardwareinfo.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/channel9/chn_channel9.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/channel9/chn_channel9.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/pathenl/chn_pathenl.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/pathenl/chn_pathenl.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/ons/chn_ons.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/ons/chn_ons.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/tweedekamer/chn_tweedekamer.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/tweedekamer/chn_tweedekamer.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/eredivisie/chn_eredivisie.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/eredivisie/chn_eredivisie.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/tv4se/chn_tv4se.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/tv4se/chn_tv4se.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/svt/chn_svt.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/svt/chn_svt.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/oppetarkiv/chn_oppetarkiv.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/oppetarkiv/chn_oppetarkiv.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/urplay/chn_urplay.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/urplay/chn_urplay.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/sbs/chn_sbs.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/sbs/chn_sbs.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/l1/chn_l1.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/l1/chn_l1.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/at5/chn_at5.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/at5/chn_at5.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/flevo/chn_flevo.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/flevo/chn_flevo.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/brabant/chn_brabant.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/brabant/chn_brabant.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/lokaal/chn_lokaal.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/lokaal/chn_lokaal.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/openregio/chn_openregio.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/openregio/chn_openregio.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/regiogroei/chn_regiogroei.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/regiogroei/chn_regiogroei.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtmbe/chn_vtmbe.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtmbe/chn_vtmbe.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vrtnu/chn_vrtnu.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vrtnu/chn_vrtnu.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/een/chn_een.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/een/chn_een.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/rtbf/chn_rtbf.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/rtbf/chn_rtbf.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtm/chn_vtm.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtm/chn_vtm.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/ketnet/chn_ketnet.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/ketnet/chn_ketnet.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/sporza/chn_sporza.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/sporza/chn_sporza.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vier/chn_vier.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vier/awsidp.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vier/chn_vier.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickelodeon/chn_nickelodeon.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickelodeon/chn_nickelodeon.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickjr/chn_nickjr.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickjr/chn_nickjr.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.no/nrkno/chn_nrkno.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.no/nrkno/chn_nrkno.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/viafree/chn_viafree.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/viafree/chn_viafree.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/tvse/chn_tvse.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/tvse/chn_tvse.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.de/srf/chn_srf.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.de/srf/chn_srf.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtv/southpark/chn_southpark.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtv/southpark/chn_southpark.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.uk/bbc/chn_bbc.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.uk/bbc/chn_bbc.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nosnl/chn_nosnl.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nosnl/chn_nosnl.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/bvntv/chn_bvntv.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/bvntv/chn_bvntv.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nos2010/chn_nos2010.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nos2010/chn_nos2010.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/schooltv/chn_schooltv.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/schooltv/chn_schooltv.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/radio538/chn_radio538.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/radio538/chn_radio538.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/24classic/chn_24classic.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/24classic/chn_24classic.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.rtlnl/rtl/chn_rtl.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.rtlnl/rtl/chn_rtl.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - | /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.sbsnl/kijknl/chn_kijknl.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 122  - + /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.sbsnl/kijknl/chn_kijknl.py
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - xbmcwrapper.py       - 247  - Showing notification: Retrospect - Starting Retrospect.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 254  - Cleaning up cache in '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/**/*.*' that is older than 7.0 days
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 268  - Cleaning cache folder: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - envcontroller.py     - 268  - Cleaning cache folder: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - envcontroller.py     - 282  - Removed 0 of 35 files from cache in: '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/'
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - pickler.py           - 131  - PickleStore: Purging store items older than 30 days
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 317  - PickleStore: Found favourite: Brugklas (plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/?action=listfolder&channel=channel.nos.nos2010-uzgjson&pickle=ED8FDB9C-3870-11E2-B1C2-192A6288709B--A93B9D72772F5B2C270F373AD83FCF8888656604967413A4B9EDDB810334AF92)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - regexer.py           - 130  - Re-using cached Compiled Regex object
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 317  - PickleStore: Found favourite: Back to the hype (plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/?action=listfolder&channel=channel.nos.nos2010-uzgjson&pickle=ED8FDB9C-3870-11E2-B1C2-192A6288709B--BCF7F83A78EE3D53EAD69F11C1B41F87579D9535ED6B02CB32A570FCD8B0C019)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - regexer.py           - 130  - Re-using cached Compiled Regex object
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 317  - PickleStore: Found favourite: Chateau Meiland En Route (plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/?action=listfolder&channel=channel.sbsnl.kijknl&pickle=271456ED-6E84-4FAB-A7AF-77A1C669F942--6C91712EAB0E8B112822578866B5EBEDA59B42ECFD557A6D41DD4774CB19D055)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - regexer.py           - 130  - Re-using cached Compiled Regex object
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 317  - PickleStore: Found favourite: Urk! (plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/?action=listfolder&channel=channel.sbsnl.kijknl&pickle=271456ED-6E84-4FAB-A7AF-77A1C669F942--F5CDBC558B79962DB58080D2C2ABAB2805C0917773E6D13BD808EFDF34331BFF)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - regexer.py           - 130  - Re-using cached Compiled Regex object
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 317  - PickleStore: Found favourite: MINDF*CK (plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/?action=listfolder&channel=channel.nos.nos2010-uzgjson&pickle=ED8FDB9C-3870-11E2-B1C2-192A6288709B--BB5EB9D13CEAEFB47EE93D1B98D0B7BAF8B87EB00B78FEB8C17E5CE529CAF20E)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 29   - Creating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - categoryaction.py    - 35   - Plugin::show_categories
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 36   - Creating a new ChannelIndex-er.
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 143  - Stopwatch :: Set (ChannelIndex.get_channels Importer): 1726112844.915352
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 144  - Fetching all enabled channels.
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/twit/chn_twit.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - addonsettings.py     - 400  - Setting GUI language to: en
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - xbmcwrapper.py       - 247  - Showing notification: Retrospect - Initialising channel(s). - Channels have been updated or installed. Performing first time actions. This could take some time.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/twit.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TWiT.TV (twit) [channel.videos.twit.twit=False, en-gb=False, Tech, 8BFC5538-FB78-11E2-9D7C-61DE6088709B] (Order: #en-gb.0002).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TWiT.TV (twit) [channel.videos.twit.twit=True, en-gb=True, Tech, 8BFC5538-FB78-11E2-9D7C-61DE6088709B] (Order: #en-gb.0002)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/extreme/chn_extreme.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/extreme.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Extreme.com (extreme) [channel.videos.extreme.extreme=False, None=False, Sport, 52230AF6-FBA9-11DD-87D4-15B656D89593] (Order: #zz.0255).
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Extreme.com (extreme) [channel.videos.extreme.extreme=False, None=False, Sport, 52230AF6-FBA9-11DD-87D4-15B656D89593] (Order: #zz.0255) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/dumpert/chn_dumpert.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/dumpert.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Dumpert.nl (dumpert) [channel.videos.dumpert.dumpert=False, nl=False, Video, 80726A74-42F3-11DD-BBA6-A1F055D89593] (Order: #_nl.0255).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Dumpert.nl (dumpert) [channel.videos.dumpert.dumpert=True, nl=True, Video, 80726A74-42F3-11DD-BBA6-A1F055D89593] (Order: #_nl.0255)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/hardwareinfo/chn_hardwareinfo.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/hardwareinfo.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Hardware.info [channel.videos.hardwareinfo=False, nl=False, Tech, DB6A5104-30B0-11E1-A995-AF324924019B] (Order: #_nl.0255).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Hardware.info [channel.videos.hardwareinfo=True, nl=True, Tech, DB6A5104-30B0-11E1-A995-AF324924019B] (Order: #_nl.0255)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/channel9/chn_channel9.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/channel9.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Microsoft Learn (Channel 9) (channel9) [channel.videos.channel9.channel9=False, None=False, Tech, 21D74788-8084-11E0-9A28-39E64824019B] (Order: #zz.0255).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Microsoft Learn (Channel 9) (channel9) [channel.videos.channel9.channel9=True, None=True, Tech, 21D74788-8084-11E0-9A28-39E64824019B] (Order: #zz.0255)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 2 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/pathenl/chn_pathenl.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/pathenl.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Pathé Nederland (HTML) (pathe) [channel.videos.pathenl.pathe=False, nl=False, Video, 3D4C7F88-FAB8-11E1-868D-8CDA6088709B] (Order: #_nl.0050).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Pathé Nederland (pathejson) [channel.videos.pathenl.pathejson=False, nl=False, Video, 66252BE4-E952-4AE5-B8EB-43E6271C688B] (Order: #_nl.0050).
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Pathé Nederland (HTML) (pathe) [channel.videos.pathenl.pathe=False, nl=False, Video, 3D4C7F88-FAB8-11E1-868D-8CDA6088709B] (Order: #_nl.0050) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Pathé Nederland (pathejson) [channel.videos.pathenl.pathejson=True, nl=True, Video, 66252BE4-E952-4AE5-B8EB-43E6271C688B] (Order: #_nl.0050)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/ons/chn_ons.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/ons.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Ons [channel.videos.ons=False, nl=False, National, B11F7D22-941D-4228-A888-226542A442E7] (Order: #_nl.0211).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Ons [channel.videos.ons=True, nl=True, National, B11F7D22-941D-4228-A888-226542A442E7] (Order: #_nl.0211)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/tweedekamer/chn_tweedekamer.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/tweedekamer.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Tweede Kamer Debat Direct (tweedekamer) [channel.videos.tweedekamer.tweedekamer=False, nl=False, Video, 7C317B83-899A-4953-AF9E-F98DC9E83F0E] (Order: #_nl.0200).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Tweede Kamer Debat Direct (tweedekamer) [channel.videos.tweedekamer.tweedekamer=True, nl=True, Video, 7C317B83-899A-4953-AF9E-F98DC9E83F0E] (Order: #_nl.0200)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/eredivisie/chn_eredivisie.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/eredivisie.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Fox Sports (eredivisie) [channel.videos.eredivisie.eredivisie=False, nl=False, Sport, CC524DC0-C846-11E0-871B-984F4824019B] (Order: #_nl.0210).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Fox Sports (eredivisie) [channel.videos.eredivisie.eredivisie=True, nl=True, Sport, CC524DC0-C846-11E0-871B-984F4824019B] (Order: #_nl.0210)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 1 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/tv4se/chn_tv4se.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/tv4se.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV4 Play (tv4segroup) [channel.se.tv4se.tv4segroup=False, se=False, National, 68E5476E-DC92-4312-9C57-29FCE428EF20] (Order: #se.0003).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV4 Play (tv4segroup) [channel.se.tv4se.tv4segroup=True, se=True, National, 68E5476E-DC92-4312-9C57-29FCE428EF20] (Order: #se.0003)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 2 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/svt/chn_svt.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/svt.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: SVT Play (svt) [channel.se.svt.svt=False, se=False, National, 3AF9C61E-88B2-11E1-A03F-08F6BAE59B18] (Order: #se.0000).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: SVT Play (svt) [channel.se.svt.svt=True, se=True, National, 3AF9C61E-88B2-11E1-A03F-08F6BAE59B18] (Order: #se.0000)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/oppetarkiv/chn_oppetarkiv.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/oppetarkiv.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: SVT Öppet arkiv (oppetarkiv) [channel.se.oppetarkiv.oppetarkiv=False, se=False, National, F638A42C-E419-11E2-AB44-9E636188709B] (Order: #se.0001).
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: SVT Öppet arkiv (oppetarkiv) [channel.se.oppetarkiv.oppetarkiv=False, se=False, National, F638A42C-E419-11E2-AB44-9E636188709B] (Order: #se.0001) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 1 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/urplay/chn_urplay.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/urplay.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: UR Play [channel.se.urplay=False, se=False, National, 9F0F57D6-B897-11E0-AF2E-92314924019B] (Order: #se.0002).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: UR Play [channel.se.urplay=True, se=True, National, 9F0F57D6-B897-11E0-AF2E-92314924019B] (Order: #se.0002)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 12 channels and 3 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/sbs/chn_sbs.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/sbs.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Kanal 5 (tv5json) [channel.se.sbs.tv5json=False, se=False, National, C72D24F6-5FAE-11E0-9935-5F41E0D72085] (Order: #se.0005).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Kanal 9 (tv9json) [channel.se.sbs.tv9json=False, se=False, National, 32B4A9AB-583C-4F78-A057-6D79C797B45C] (Order: #se.0009).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Kanal 11 (tv11json) [channel.se.sbs.tv11json=False, se=False, National, 64E1CA5E-BC3C-4763-9A63-02BE76754BD3] (Order: #se.0011).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: discovery+ (dplayse) [channel.se.sbs.dplayse=False, se=False, National, 230A2F56-572B-470B-AD53-AFD20A768D54] (Order: #se.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Dplay (Norge) (dplayno) [channel.se.sbs.dplayno=False, no=False, National, 90C8695D-23AE-45B5-BD51-CEA780A770B0] (Order: #no.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TVNorge (tvnorge) [channel.se.sbs.tvnorge=False, no=False, National, E0D572B5-D992-4F90-960E-F0D82A8C9E51] (Order: #no.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Max (Norge) (maxnorge) [channel.se.sbs.maxnorge=False, no=False, National, AA14585A-F519-42FF-824B-7ABAC76F18FD] (Order: #no.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: FEM (femnorge) [channel.se.sbs.femnorge=False, no=False, National, 94951B96-77FD-4519-8AE2-55C6133CB9EC] (Order: #no.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: VOX (voxnorge) [channel.se.sbs.voxnorge=False, no=False, National, 79B3216B-3485-4522-B963-38D0F452C032] (Order: #no.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Discovery Science (Norge) (discoverysciencenorge) [channel.se.sbs.discoverysciencenorge=False, no=False, National, A4F6C1DA-A485-4504-B6C2-840E5548E87D] (Order: #no.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Discovery World (Norge) (discoveryworldnorge) [channel.se.sbs.discoveryworldnorge=False, no=False, National, 1A272A28-3655-4991-B983-5EEBC1282534] (Order: #no.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Dplay (Danmark) (dplaydk) [channel.se.sbs.dplaydk=False, dk=False, National, 5141DFDF-3B9D-4368-8943-2F8D500BC2D1] (Order: #dk.0007).
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Kanal 5 (tv5json) [channel.se.sbs.tv5json=False, se=False, National, C72D24F6-5FAE-11E0-9935-5F41E0D72085] (Order: #se.0005) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Kanal 9 (tv9json) [channel.se.sbs.tv9json=False, se=False, National, 32B4A9AB-583C-4F78-A057-6D79C797B45C] (Order: #se.0009) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Kanal 11 (tv11json) [channel.se.sbs.tv11json=False, se=False, National, 64E1CA5E-BC3C-4763-9A63-02BE76754BD3] (Order: #se.0011) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: discovery+ (dplayse) [channel.se.sbs.dplayse=False, se=False, National, 230A2F56-572B-470B-AD53-AFD20A768D54] (Order: #se.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Dplay (Norge) (dplayno) [channel.se.sbs.dplayno=False, no=False, National, 90C8695D-23AE-45B5-BD51-CEA780A770B0] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TVNorge (tvnorge) [channel.se.sbs.tvnorge=False, no=False, National, E0D572B5-D992-4F90-960E-F0D82A8C9E51] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Max (Norge) (maxnorge) [channel.se.sbs.maxnorge=False, no=False, National, AA14585A-F519-42FF-824B-7ABAC76F18FD] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: FEM (femnorge) [channel.se.sbs.femnorge=False, no=False, National, 94951B96-77FD-4519-8AE2-55C6133CB9EC] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: VOX (voxnorge) [channel.se.sbs.voxnorge=False, no=False, National, 79B3216B-3485-4522-B963-38D0F452C032] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Discovery Science (Norge) (discoverysciencenorge) [channel.se.sbs.discoverysciencenorge=False, no=False, National, A4F6C1DA-A485-4504-B6C2-840E5548E87D] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Discovery World (Norge) (discoveryworldnorge) [channel.se.sbs.discoveryworldnorge=False, no=False, National, 1A272A28-3655-4991-B983-5EEBC1282534] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Dplay (Danmark) (dplaydk) [channel.se.sbs.dplaydk=False, dk=False, National, 5141DFDF-3B9D-4368-8943-2F8D500BC2D1] (Order: #dk.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/l1/chn_l1.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/l1.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: L1 [channel.regionalnl.l1=False, nl=False, Regional, 29D36E00-730B-11E2-AD39-B0F06188709B] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: L1 [channel.regionalnl.l1=True, nl=True, Regional, 29D36E00-730B-11E2-AD39-B0F06188709B] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 2 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/at5/chn_at5.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/at5.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTV Noord-Holland (rtvnh) [channel.regionalnl.at5.rtvnh=False, nl=False, Regional, EF46E726-92F4-42FC-A6D4-68A888E23E96] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: AT5 [channel.regionalnl.at5=False, nl=False, Regional, 870EAD32-F2F9-11DD-B0E7-747356D89593] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Noord-Holland (rtvnh) [channel.regionalnl.at5.rtvnh=True, nl=True, Regional, EF46E726-92F4-42FC-A6D4-68A888E23E96] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: AT5 [channel.regionalnl.at5=True, nl=True, Regional, 870EAD32-F2F9-11DD-B0E7-747356D89593] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/flevo/chn_flevo.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/flevo.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep Flevoland [channel.regionalnl.flevo=False, nl=False, Regional, D74952F3-B72B-4AF9-83E6-9394D37D786E] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Flevoland [channel.regionalnl.flevo=True, nl=True, Regional, D74952F3-B72B-4AF9-83E6-9394D37D786E] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/brabant/chn_brabant.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/brabant.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep Brabant (omroepbrabant) [channel.regionalnl.brabant.omroepbrabant=False, nl=False, Regional, 770D3385-2EC9-4B87-9BC8-3A7190248A9C] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Brabant (omroepbrabant) [channel.regionalnl.brabant.omroepbrabant=True, nl=True, Regional, 770D3385-2EC9-4B87-9BC8-3A7190248A9C] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 2 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/lokaal/chn_lokaal.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/lokaal.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep Gelderland (omroepgelderland) [channel.regionalnl.lokaal.omroepgelderland=False, nl=False, Regional, B2AF5744-4697-44CD-9A54-CFD6A4273207] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omrop Fryslân (omropfryslan) [channel.regionalnl.lokaal.omropfryslan=False, nl=False, Regional, 81CD5339-0D59-4019-9171-12A98815311C] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Omroep Gelderland (omroepgelderland) [channel.regionalnl.lokaal.omroepgelderland=False, nl=False, Regional, B2AF5744-4697-44CD-9A54-CFD6A4273207] (Order: #_nl.0100) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omrop Fryslân (omropfryslan) [channel.regionalnl.lokaal.omropfryslan=True, nl=True, Regional, 81CD5339-0D59-4019-9171-12A98815311C] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 5 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/openregio/chn_openregio.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/openregio.
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: WOS Westland, Midden-Delfland, Hoek van Holland, Maassluis (wosnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.wosnl=False, nl=False, Regional, 7018D677-000B-4EDD-9AA6-6D823A6F10E6] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: DTV Oss-Bernheze, ’s-Hertogenbosch en Uden (dtvnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.dtvnl=False, nl=False, Regional, BE475CCB-1031-4B8E-B69E-F5DA3CA33BCA] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep Venlo (venlonl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.venlonl=False, nl=False, Regional, 8F501417-99FD-4E55-89AA-18B0BD3C25BC] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep Horst aan de Maas (horstnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.horstnl=False, nl=False, Regional, E737DB6F-8741-4B89-BD04-8874DE050131] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Studio 040 (studio040) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.studio040=False, nl=False, Regional, E1F58AD4-C970-49AB-9B38-7FA9F6D1AFC3] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: WOS Westland, Midden-Delfland, Hoek van Holland, Maassluis (wosnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.wosnl=True, nl=True, Regional, 7018D677-000B-4EDD-9AA6-6D823A6F10E6] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: DTV Oss-Bernheze, ’s-Hertogenbosch en Uden (dtvnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.dtvnl=True, nl=True, Regional, BE475CCB-1031-4B8E-B69E-F5DA3CA33BCA] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Venlo (venlonl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.venlonl=True, nl=True, Regional, 8F501417-99FD-4E55-89AA-18B0BD3C25BC] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Horst aan de Maas (horstnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.horstnl=True, nl=True, Regional, E737DB6F-8741-4B89-BD04-8874DE050131] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Studio 040 (studio040) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.studio040=True, nl=True, Regional, E1F58AD4-C970-49AB-9B38-7FA9F6D1AFC3] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:24 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 8 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/regiogroei/chn_regiogroei.json
20240912 13:47:24 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/regiogroei.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTV Utrecht (rtvutrecht) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvutrecht=False, nl=False, Regional, BD113683-233A-46EB-962D-98B3C02EB738] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep Zeeland (omroepzeeland) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepzeeland=False, nl=False, Regional, 8B4A56C7-44D5-40C2-A890-2287C4C1D74B] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTV Noord (rtvnoord) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvnoord=False, nl=False, Regional, 7C40EEE7-40F4-40ED-8A70-FAAB42B7A2B1] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTV Rijnmond (rtvrijnmond) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvrijnmond=False, nl=False, Regional, BF2B907D-D437-46DB-B802-F946850098FB] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep West (omroepwest) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepwest=False, nl=False, Regional, EFE57022-9F52-41F9-8775-13CCD001FA56] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Omroep Gelderland (omroepgelderland) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepgelderland=False, nl=False, Regional, 9CC8EF1B-8840-42F1-B0A1-0D20652DB68F] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTV Oost (rtvoost) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvoost=False, nl=False, Regional, 5B5FFB5A-2537-473C-AA80-8C256FA632DB] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTV Drenthe (rtvdrenthe) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvdrenthe=False, nl=False, Regional, B7EB69DF-18C4-4935-BA83-0B2A89295178] (Order: #_nl.0100).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Utrecht (rtvutrecht) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvutrecht=True, nl=True, Regional, BD113683-233A-46EB-962D-98B3C02EB738] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Zeeland (omroepzeeland) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepzeeland=True, nl=True, Regional, 8B4A56C7-44D5-40C2-A890-2287C4C1D74B] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Noord (rtvnoord) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvnoord=True, nl=True, Regional, 7C40EEE7-40F4-40ED-8A70-FAAB42B7A2B1] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Rijnmond (rtvrijnmond) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvrijnmond=True, nl=True, Regional, BF2B907D-D437-46DB-B802-F946850098FB] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep West (omroepwest) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepwest=True, nl=True, Regional, EFE57022-9F52-41F9-8775-13CCD001FA56] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Gelderland (omroepgelderland) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepgelderland=True, nl=True, Regional, 9CC8EF1B-8840-42F1-B0A1-0D20652DB68F] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Oost (rtvoost) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvoost=True, nl=True, Regional, 5B5FFB5A-2537-473C-AA80-8C256FA632DB] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Drenthe (rtvdrenthe) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvdrenthe=True, nl=True, Regional, B7EB69DF-18C4-4935-BA83-0B2A89295178] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 4 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=False, nl=False, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 3 channels and 4 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtmbe/chn_vtmbe.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtmbe.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: VTM.be (vtm) [channel.be.vtmbe.vtm=False, be=False, National, 7F92EAEE-6066-4ED5-911A-2C3DCF964D19] (Order: #be.0010).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Q2.be (q2) [channel.be.vtmbe.q2=False, be=False, National, 01C7064B-7E7A-4742-A042-E6F2F4EC5966] (Order: #be.0011).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Stievie (stievie) [channel.be.vtmbe.stievie=False, be=False, National, 61AA2559-7D64-40A2-A3BE-56DD3F6BBD4A] (Order: #be.0011).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: VTM.be (vtm) [channel.be.vtmbe.vtm=True, be=True, National, 7F92EAEE-6066-4ED5-911A-2C3DCF964D19] (Order: #be.0010)
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Q2.be (q2) [channel.be.vtmbe.q2=False, be=False, National, 01C7064B-7E7A-4742-A042-E6F2F4EC5966] (Order: #be.0011) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Stievie (stievie) [channel.be.vtmbe.stievie=True, be=True, National, 61AA2559-7D64-40A2-A3BE-56DD3F6BBD4A] (Order: #be.0011)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 4 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vrtnu/chn_vrtnu.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vrtnu.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: VRT NU (vrtnu) [channel.be.vrtnu.vrtnu=False, be=False, National, F530A9EC-3C0D-49B6-96C2-480273417460] (Order: #be.0011).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: VRT NU (vrtnu) [channel.be.vrtnu.vrtnu=True, be=True, National, F530A9EC-3C0D-49B6-96C2-480273417460] (Order: #be.0011)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/een/chn_een.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/een.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Eén [channel.be.een=False, be=False, National, 16A5C86D-52C5-48C1-B894-1CC23EBF1CD8] (Order: #be.0001).
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Eén [channel.be.een=False, be=False, National, 16A5C86D-52C5-48C1-B894-1CC23EBF1CD8] (Order: #be.0001) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/rtbf/chn_rtbf.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/rtbf.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTBF [channel.be.rtbf=False, be=False, National, 79569D55-6298-402A-8AF0-A16955EA052F] (Order: #be.0014).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTBF [channel.be.rtbf=True, be=True, National, 79569D55-6298-402A-8AF0-A16955EA052F] (Order: #be.0014)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtm/chn_vtm.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtm.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: VTM Nieuws (vtmnieuws) [channel.be.vtm.vtmnieuws=False, be=False, National, 66756700-6255-4973-AFFB-A1DE4FAF8678] (Order: #be.0011).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: VTM Nieuws (vtmnieuws) [channel.be.vtm.vtmnieuws=True, be=True, National, 66756700-6255-4973-AFFB-A1DE4FAF8678] (Order: #be.0011)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 1 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/ketnet/chn_ketnet.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/ketnet.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Ketnet (ketnet) [channel.be.ketnet.ketnet=False, be=False, National, 756FFEC8-B6BA-11E0-898D-1F434824019B] (Order: #be.0012).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Ketnet (ketnet) [channel.be.ketnet.ketnet=True, be=True, National, 756FFEC8-B6BA-11E0-898D-1F434824019B] (Order: #be.0012)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/sporza/chn_sporza.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/sporza.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Sporza (sporza) [channel.be.sporza.sporza=False, be=False, National, 71128378-B6BA-11E0-A68A-1B434824019B] (Order: #be.0013).
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Sporza (sporza) [channel.be.sporza.sporza=False, be=False, National, 71128378-B6BA-11E0-A68A-1B434824019B] (Order: #be.0013) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 5 channels and 4 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vier/chn_vier.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vier.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: GoPlay (goplay) [channel.be.vier.goplay=False, be=False, National, E108F736-8375-4B5D-B74A-7B70BF52043E] (Order: #be.0001).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Vier [channel.be.vier=False, be=False, National, 50E04907-8983-4552-A775-E70F3D91FB99] (Order: #be.0004).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Vijf (vijfbe) [channel.be.vier.vijfbe=False, be=False, National, 9F44A86D-D62F-4775-A5BC-B99D1AE038FE] (Order: #be.0005).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Zes (zesbe) [channel.be.vier.zesbe=False, be=False, National, AF79856C-95E1-4181-8636-C479E447F092] (Order: #be.0006).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Zeven (zevenbe) [channel.be.vier.zevenbe=False, be=False, National, 3C96398D-22E5-4C61-9308-092FC34A19C0] (Order: #be.0006).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: GoPlay (goplay) [channel.be.vier.goplay=True, be=True, National, E108F736-8375-4B5D-B74A-7B70BF52043E] (Order: #be.0001)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Vier [channel.be.vier=True, be=True, National, 50E04907-8983-4552-A775-E70F3D91FB99] (Order: #be.0004)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Vijf (vijfbe) [channel.be.vier.vijfbe=True, be=True, National, 9F44A86D-D62F-4775-A5BC-B99D1AE038FE] (Order: #be.0005)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Zes (zesbe) [channel.be.vier.zesbe=True, be=True, National, AF79856C-95E1-4181-8636-C479E447F092] (Order: #be.0006)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Zeven (zevenbe) [channel.be.vier.zevenbe=True, be=True, National, 3C96398D-22E5-4C61-9308-092FC34A19C0] (Order: #be.0006)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 4 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickelodeon/chn_nickelodeon.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickelodeon.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Nickelodeon (nickelodeon) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.nickelodeon=False, nl=False, Kids, 8D4EBAE8-F3C6-11DD-92EE-F2FE55D89593] (Order: #_nl.0022).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Nickelodeon (Norge) (nickno) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.nickno=False, no=False, Kids, 47AA717E-F919-11E1-977F-0DEC6188709B] (Order: #no.0022).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: MTV.nl (mtvnl) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.mtvnl=False, nl=False, Video, 7C52452A-F2F9-11DD-BE3F-3F7356D89593] (Order: #_nl.0020).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: MTV.de (mtvde) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.mtvde=False, de=False, Video, 55635AAA-183C-11E2-ABEC-36706188709B] (Order: #de.0020).
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nickelodeon (nickelodeon) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.nickelodeon=False, nl=False, Kids, 8D4EBAE8-F3C6-11DD-92EE-F2FE55D89593] (Order: #_nl.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nickelodeon (Norge) (nickno) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.nickno=False, no=False, Kids, 47AA717E-F919-11E1-977F-0DEC6188709B] (Order: #no.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: MTV.nl (mtvnl) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.mtvnl=True, nl=True, Video, 7C52452A-F2F9-11DD-BE3F-3F7356D89593] (Order: #_nl.0020)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: MTV.de (mtvde) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.mtvde=True, de=True, Video, 55635AAA-183C-11E2-ABEC-36706188709B] (Order: #de.0020)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 3 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickjr/chn_nickjr.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickjr.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Nick Jr. (nickjrnl) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickjrnl=False, nl=False, Kids, 48DDDDCB-5500-4422-8AFC-8312B72E1ABA] (Order: #_nl.0022).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Nick Jr. International (nickjrintl) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickjrintl=False, None=False, Kids, 27A74E50-838B-4F0D-98DE-82E7403567C8] (Order: #zz.0022).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Nickelodeon (Sverige) (nickse) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickse=False, se=False, Kids, 8D1E5858-F926-11E1-BE1C-90F66188709B] (Order: #se.0022).
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nick Jr. (nickjrnl) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickjrnl=False, nl=False, Kids, 48DDDDCB-5500-4422-8AFC-8312B72E1ABA] (Order: #_nl.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nick Jr. International (nickjrintl) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickjrintl=False, None=False, Kids, 27A74E50-838B-4F0D-98DE-82E7403567C8] (Order: #zz.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nickelodeon (Sverige) (nickse) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickse=False, se=False, Kids, 8D1E5858-F926-11E1-BE1C-90F66188709B] (Order: #se.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.no/nrkno/chn_nrkno.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.no/nrkno.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: NRK TV (nrkno) [channel.no.nrkno.nrkno=False, no=False, National, 2FB36241-5BB1-4D38-AD36-F48EAE91CDB5] (Order: #no.0001).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: NRK TV (nrkno) [channel.no.nrkno.nrkno=True, no=True, National, 2FB36241-5BB1-4D38-AD36-F48EAE91CDB5] (Order: #no.0001)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 11 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/viafree/chn_viafree.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/viafree.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV3 (Sverige) (se3) [channel.mtg.viafree.se3=False, se=False, National, 9EC8F612-2EA4-11DE-867C-B84656D89593] (Order: #se.0003).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV6 (Sverige) (se6) [channel.mtg.viafree.se6=False, se=False, National, FB34E1F0-2930-11DE-A339-255856D89593] (Order: #se.0006).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV8 (Sverige) (se8) [channel.mtg.viafree.se8=False, se=False, National, BDC1A5C5-2777-4D05-BB5B-742A88B89CC5] (Order: #se.0008).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV10 (se10) [channel.mtg.viafree.se10=False, se=False, National, 584E7420-2867-11E3-AA01-F2806188709B] (Order: #se.0010).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: ViaFree (Sverige) (viafreese) [channel.mtg.viafree.viafreese=False, se=False, National, FF998410-CAD5-4FDC-9E48-E28BC4E51BC4] (Order: #se.0010).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: National Geographic (Sverige) (ngse) [channel.mtg.viafree.ngse=False, se=False, National, D2FE9600-EFFB-4D15-A175-FBDE01907944] (Order: #se.0011).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: MTV (Sverige) (mtvse) [channel.mtg.viafree.mtvse=False, se=False, National, CAACF71C-55B2-456A-86B9-F0A80710B286] (Order: #se.0012).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV3 (Norge) (no3) [channel.mtg.viafree.no3=False, no=False, National, 89673FF0-5EF3-11E0-8CC9-494DDFD72085] (Order: #no.0003).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Viasat 4 (no4) [channel.mtg.viafree.no4=False, no=False, National, 90DD5C88-5EF3-11E0-93A2-4D4DDFD72085] (Order: #no.0004).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV6 (Norge) (no6) [channel.mtg.viafree.no6=False, no=False, National, 3CD2662C-3C7A-4217-8375-079B2D850F27] (Order: #no.0006).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: ViaFree (Norge) (viafreeno) [channel.mtg.viafree.viafreeno=False, no=False, National, 281E8079-33E7-4C4F-85F6-A04F3A7D5B92] (Order: #no.0006).
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV3 (Sverige) (se3) [channel.mtg.viafree.se3=False, se=False, National, 9EC8F612-2EA4-11DE-867C-B84656D89593] (Order: #se.0003) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV6 (Sverige) (se6) [channel.mtg.viafree.se6=False, se=False, National, FB34E1F0-2930-11DE-A339-255856D89593] (Order: #se.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV8 (Sverige) (se8) [channel.mtg.viafree.se8=False, se=False, National, BDC1A5C5-2777-4D05-BB5B-742A88B89CC5] (Order: #se.0008) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV10 (se10) [channel.mtg.viafree.se10=False, se=False, National, 584E7420-2867-11E3-AA01-F2806188709B] (Order: #se.0010) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: ViaFree (Sverige) (viafreese) [channel.mtg.viafree.viafreese=False, se=False, National, FF998410-CAD5-4FDC-9E48-E28BC4E51BC4] (Order: #se.0010) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: National Geographic (Sverige) (ngse) [channel.mtg.viafree.ngse=False, se=False, National, D2FE9600-EFFB-4D15-A175-FBDE01907944] (Order: #se.0011) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: MTV (Sverige) (mtvse) [channel.mtg.viafree.mtvse=False, se=False, National, CAACF71C-55B2-456A-86B9-F0A80710B286] (Order: #se.0012) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV3 (Norge) (no3) [channel.mtg.viafree.no3=False, no=False, National, 89673FF0-5EF3-11E0-8CC9-494DDFD72085] (Order: #no.0003) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Viasat 4 (no4) [channel.mtg.viafree.no4=False, no=False, National, 90DD5C88-5EF3-11E0-93A2-4D4DDFD72085] (Order: #no.0004) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV6 (Norge) (no6) [channel.mtg.viafree.no6=False, no=False, National, 3CD2662C-3C7A-4217-8375-079B2D850F27] (Order: #no.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: ViaFree (Norge) (viafreeno) [channel.mtg.viafree.viafreeno=False, no=False, National, 281E8079-33E7-4C4F-85F6-A04F3A7D5B92] (Order: #no.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 6 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/tvse/chn_tvse.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/tvse.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV3 Play (Latvija) (tv3lv) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3lv=False, lv=False, National, 8D9FBD00-2284-11E0-8957-55B8DFD72085] (Order: #lv.0003).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV3 Play (Eesti) (tv3ee) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3ee=False, ee=False, National, 45527F0C-91FE-11E1-942B-5AB5BBE59B18] (Order: #ee.0003).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV6 Play (Eesti) (tv6ee) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv6ee=False, ee=False, National, 82D73241-284B-4326-9E32-AFEF3C439951] (Order: #ee.0006).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV3 Play (Lietuva) (tv3lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3lt=False, lt=False, National, 7FEDC7EA-2281-11E0-8F30-67B5DFD72085] (Order: #lt.0003).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV6 Play (Lietuva) (tv6lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv6lt=False, lt=False, National, 49A02D20-2283-11E0-8771-2AB7DFD72085] (Order: #lt.0006).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: TV8 Play (Lietuva) (tv8lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv8lt=False, lt=False, National, 1F41C7FB-D3EC-4C4A-84BD-E063A8F6FFAD] (Order: #lt.0008).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV3 Play (Latvija) (tv3lv) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3lv=True, lv=True, National, 8D9FBD00-2284-11E0-8957-55B8DFD72085] (Order: #lv.0003)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV3 Play (Eesti) (tv3ee) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3ee=True, ee=True, National, 45527F0C-91FE-11E1-942B-5AB5BBE59B18] (Order: #ee.0003)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV6 Play (Eesti) (tv6ee) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv6ee=True, ee=True, National, 82D73241-284B-4326-9E32-AFEF3C439951] (Order: #ee.0006)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV3 Play (Lietuva) (tv3lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3lt=True, lt=True, National, 7FEDC7EA-2281-11E0-8F30-67B5DFD72085] (Order: #lt.0003)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV6 Play (Lietuva) (tv6lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv6lt=True, lt=True, National, 49A02D20-2283-11E0-8771-2AB7DFD72085] (Order: #lt.0006)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV8 Play (Lietuva) (tv8lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv8lt=True, lt=True, National, 1F41C7FB-D3EC-4C4A-84BD-E063A8F6FFAD] (Order: #lt.0008)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.de/srf/chn_srf.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.de/srf.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: SRF.ch Play (srf) [channel.de.srf.srf=False, de=False, National, A9BE95B0-2ED6-4E75-B5DF-C3ECAF0441E6] (Order: #de.0101).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: SRF.ch Play (srf) [channel.de.srf.srf=True, de=True, National, A9BE95B0-2ED6-4E75-B5DF-C3ECAF0441E6] (Order: #de.0101)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 2 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtv/southpark/chn_southpark.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtv/southpark.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Southpark Sweden (southpark.se) [channel.mtv.southpark.southpark.se=False, se=False, Video, F9616B7C-5CC8-11E1-8F40-43194824019B] (Order: #se.0255).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Southpark.NL (southpark) [channel.mtv.southpark.southpark=False, nl=False, Video, 3ac3d6d0-5b2a-11dd-ae16-0800200c9a66] (Order: #_nl.0255).
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Southpark Sweden (southpark.se) [channel.mtv.southpark.southpark.se=False, se=False, Video, F9616B7C-5CC8-11E1-8F40-43194824019B] (Order: #se.0255) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Southpark.NL (southpark) [channel.mtv.southpark.southpark=False, nl=False, Video, 3ac3d6d0-5b2a-11dd-ae16-0800200c9a66] (Order: #_nl.0255) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.uk/bbc/chn_bbc.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.uk/bbc.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: BBC iPlayer (bbciplayer) [channel.uk.bbc.bbciplayer=False, en-gb=False, National, F1E2E7DA-5710-4455-8EEF-CEAF16AF1121] (Order: #en-gb.0001).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: BBC iPlayer (bbciplayer) [channel.uk.bbc.bbciplayer=True, en-gb=True, National, F1E2E7DA-5710-4455-8EEF-CEAF16AF1121] (Order: #en-gb.0001)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nosnl/chn_nosnl.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nosnl.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: NOS.nl (nosnl) [channel.nos.nosnl.nosnl=False, nl=False, National, EE33E7EC-FDAB-11E0-AA09-1EED4724019B] (Order: #_nl.0200).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: NOS.nl (nosnl) [channel.nos.nosnl.nosnl=True, nl=True, National, EE33E7EC-FDAB-11E0-AA09-1EED4724019B] (Order: #_nl.0200)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/bvntv/chn_bvntv.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/bvntv.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: BVN (bvntv) [channel.nos.bvntv.bvntv=False, nl=False, National, D6527D8C-F08C-4E43-AE9A-E25F90EC03EA] (Order: #_nl.0101).
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: BVN (bvntv) [channel.nos.bvntv.bvntv=True, nl=True, National, D6527D8C-F08C-4E43-AE9A-E25F90EC03EA] (Order: #_nl.0101)
20240912 13:47:25 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 4 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nos2010/chn_nos2010.json
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nos2010.
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: NPO Start (uzgjson) [channel.nos.nos2010.uzgjson=False, nl=False, National, ED8FDB9C-3870-11E2-B1C2-192A6288709B] (Order: #_nl.0001).
20240912 13:47:25 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 349  - Showing first time message 'By using the NPO Start channel you are accepting the NPO Terms of Use: https://www.npostart.nl/npo-id-gebruiksvoorwaarden.' for channel chn_chn_nos2010.
20240912 13:47:27 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: NPO Start (uzgjson) [channel.nos.nos2010.uzgjson=True, nl=True, National, ED8FDB9C-3870-11E2-B1C2-192A6288709B] (Order: #_nl.0001)
20240912 13:47:27 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/schooltv/chn_schooltv.json
20240912 13:47:27 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/schooltv.
20240912 13:47:27 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: NTR: School TV (schooltv) [channel.nos.schooltv.schooltv=False, nl=False, National, 19B126B1-4896-4378-A345-A0ABA313CB75] (Order: #_nl.0025).
20240912 13:47:27 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: NTR: School TV (schooltv) [channel.nos.schooltv.schooltv=False, nl=False, National, 19B126B1-4896-4378-A345-A0ABA313CB75] (Order: #_nl.0025) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:27 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/radio538/chn_radio538.json
20240912 13:47:27 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/radio538.
20240912 13:47:27 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Radio 538 (538) [channel.streams.radio538.538=False, nl=False, Radio, 0C59FF4A-8E07-11E1-B2D2-8071BBE59B18] (Order: #_nl.0220).
20240912 13:47:27 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 349  - Showing first time message 'De oudere streams van 538 gemist komen bij RTL XL vandaan. Deze kunnen niet met dit kanaal worden afgespeeld. Gebruik daarvoor het RTL XL kanaal.' for channel chn_chn_radio538.
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Radio 538 (538) [channel.streams.radio538.538=True, nl=True, Radio, 0C59FF4A-8E07-11E1-B2D2-8071BBE59B18] (Order: #_nl.0220)
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 0 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/24classic/chn_24classic.json
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/24classic.
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: 24 Classics [channel.streams.24classic=False, None=False, Radio, F9AE6336-74BD-4FDF-B453-3BE23187D201] (Order: #zz.0250).
20240912 13:47:31 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: 24 Classics [channel.streams.24classic=False, None=False, Radio, F9AE6336-74BD-4FDF-B453-3BE23187D201] (Order: #zz.0250) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 1 channels and 3 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.rtlnl/rtl/chn_rtl.json
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.rtlnl/rtl.
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: RTL XL (RTL 4,5,7 & 8) [channel.rtlnl.rtl=False, nl=False, National, 15D92364-42F4-11DD-AF9B-7BFF55D89593] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:47:31 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: RTL XL (RTL 4,5,7 & 8) [channel.rtlnl.rtl=False, nl=False, National, 15D92364-42F4-11DD-AF9B-7BFF55D89593] (Order: #_nl.0004) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 249  - Found 5 channels and 1 settings in /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.sbsnl/kijknl/chn_kijknl.json
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 304  - Initialising channel set at: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.sbsnl/kijknl.
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: SBS 6 (sbs) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.sbs=False, nl=False, National, 60948038-60A4-11E2-B01B-8BE36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0006).
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Net 5 (net5) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.net5=False, nl=False, National, 658A5A36-60A4-11E2-A236-8CE36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0005).
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Veronica (veronica) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.veronica=False, nl=False, National, 6B32718A-60A4-11E2-87B1-A6E36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0010).
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: SBS 9 (sbs9) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.sbs9=False, nl=False, National, C77710DE-21B6-467A-A547-0F64C6C6186E] (Order: #_nl.0009).
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 330  - Performing first time channel actions for: Kijk.nl [channel.sbsnl.kijknl=False, nl=False, National, 271456ED-6E84-4FAB-A7AF-77A1C669F942] (Order: #_nl.0005).
20240912 13:47:31 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: SBS 6 (sbs) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.sbs=False, nl=False, National, 60948038-60A4-11E2-B01B-8BE36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:31 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Net 5 (net5) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.net5=False, nl=False, National, 658A5A36-60A4-11E2-A236-8CE36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0005) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:31 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Veronica (veronica) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.veronica=False, nl=False, National, 6B32718A-60A4-11E2-87B1-A6E36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0010) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:31 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: SBS 9 (sbs9) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.sbs9=False, nl=False, National, C77710DE-21B6-467A-A547-0F64C6C6186E] (Order: #_nl.0009) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Kijk.nl [channel.sbsnl.kijknl=True, nl=True, National, 271456ED-6E84-4FAB-A7AF-77A1C669F942] (Order: #_nl.0005)
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 204  - New or updated channels found. Updating add-on configuration for all channels and user agent.
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - addonsettings.py     - 991  - No template present in '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/data/settings_template.xml'. Skipping generation.
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - addonsettings.py     - 602  - Found Kodi version: 21.1 (21.1.0) Git:21.1-Omega
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 34   - Local Setting Updated: user_agent: 'Kodi/21.1 (21.1.0) (Linux 6.6.45; aarch64; http://kodi.tv) Version/21.1 (21.1.0) Git:21.1-Omega'
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - addonsettings.py     - 633  - User agent set to: Kodi/21.1 (21.1.0) (Linux 6.6.45; aarch64; http://kodi.tv) Version/21.1 (21.1.0) Git:21.1-Omega
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 213  - Fetch a total of 58 channels of which 58 are visible.
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 217  - Stopwatch :: Stop (ChannelIndex.get_channels Importer): 1726112851.703122, time elapsed: 6787.769794464111 ms (+6787.769794464111 ms)
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 237  - Found these categories: Radio, Video, Tech, National, Sport, Regional
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:47:31 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:47:31 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:47:44 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:47:44 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:47:44 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listcategory&category=National
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listcategory', 'category': 'National'}
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listcategory', 'category': 'National', 'channelcode': None} (3)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listcategory&category=National
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.32 minutes (0.01 hours) ago
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:47:44 - [INFO    ] - channellistaction.py - 33   - Plugin::show_channel_list for National
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 143  - Stopwatch :: Set (ChannelIndex.get_channels Importer): 1726112864.2699413
20240912 13:47:44 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 144  - Fetching all enabled channels.
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/twit/chn_twit.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TWiT.TV (twit) [channel.videos.twit.twit=True, en-gb=True, Tech, 8BFC5538-FB78-11E2-9D7C-61DE6088709B] (Order: #en-gb.0002)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/extreme/chn_extreme.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Extreme.com (extreme) [channel.videos.extreme.extreme=False, None=False, Sport, 52230AF6-FBA9-11DD-87D4-15B656D89593] (Order: #zz.0255) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/dumpert/chn_dumpert.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Dumpert.nl (dumpert) [channel.videos.dumpert.dumpert=True, nl=True, Video, 80726A74-42F3-11DD-BBA6-A1F055D89593] (Order: #_nl.0255)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/hardwareinfo/chn_hardwareinfo.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Hardware.info [channel.videos.hardwareinfo=True, nl=True, Tech, DB6A5104-30B0-11E1-A995-AF324924019B] (Order: #_nl.0255)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/channel9/chn_channel9.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Microsoft Learn (Channel 9) (channel9) [channel.videos.channel9.channel9=True, None=True, Tech, 21D74788-8084-11E0-9A28-39E64824019B] (Order: #zz.0255)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/pathenl/chn_pathenl.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Pathé Nederland (HTML) (pathe) [channel.videos.pathenl.pathe=False, nl=False, Video, 3D4C7F88-FAB8-11E1-868D-8CDA6088709B] (Order: #_nl.0050) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Pathé Nederland (pathejson) [channel.videos.pathenl.pathejson=True, nl=True, Video, 66252BE4-E952-4AE5-B8EB-43E6271C688B] (Order: #_nl.0050)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/ons/chn_ons.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Ons [channel.videos.ons=True, nl=True, National, B11F7D22-941D-4228-A888-226542A442E7] (Order: #_nl.0211)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/tweedekamer/chn_tweedekamer.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Tweede Kamer Debat Direct (tweedekamer) [channel.videos.tweedekamer.tweedekamer=True, nl=True, Video, 7C317B83-899A-4953-AF9E-F98DC9E83F0E] (Order: #_nl.0200)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videos/eredivisie/chn_eredivisie.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Fox Sports (eredivisie) [channel.videos.eredivisie.eredivisie=True, nl=True, Sport, CC524DC0-C846-11E0-871B-984F4824019B] (Order: #_nl.0210)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/tv4se/chn_tv4se.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV4 Play (tv4segroup) [channel.se.tv4se.tv4segroup=True, se=True, National, 68E5476E-DC92-4312-9C57-29FCE428EF20] (Order: #se.0003)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/svt/chn_svt.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: SVT Play (svt) [channel.se.svt.svt=True, se=True, National, 3AF9C61E-88B2-11E1-A03F-08F6BAE59B18] (Order: #se.0000)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/oppetarkiv/chn_oppetarkiv.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: SVT Öppet arkiv (oppetarkiv) [channel.se.oppetarkiv.oppetarkiv=False, se=False, National, F638A42C-E419-11E2-AB44-9E636188709B] (Order: #se.0001) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/urplay/chn_urplay.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: UR Play [channel.se.urplay=True, se=True, National, 9F0F57D6-B897-11E0-AF2E-92314924019B] (Order: #se.0002)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.se/sbs/chn_sbs.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Kanal 5 (tv5json) [channel.se.sbs.tv5json=False, se=False, National, C72D24F6-5FAE-11E0-9935-5F41E0D72085] (Order: #se.0005) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Kanal 9 (tv9json) [channel.se.sbs.tv9json=False, se=False, National, 32B4A9AB-583C-4F78-A057-6D79C797B45C] (Order: #se.0009) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Kanal 11 (tv11json) [channel.se.sbs.tv11json=False, se=False, National, 64E1CA5E-BC3C-4763-9A63-02BE76754BD3] (Order: #se.0011) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: discovery+ (dplayse) [channel.se.sbs.dplayse=False, se=False, National, 230A2F56-572B-470B-AD53-AFD20A768D54] (Order: #se.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Dplay (Norge) (dplayno) [channel.se.sbs.dplayno=False, no=False, National, 90C8695D-23AE-45B5-BD51-CEA780A770B0] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TVNorge (tvnorge) [channel.se.sbs.tvnorge=False, no=False, National, E0D572B5-D992-4F90-960E-F0D82A8C9E51] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Max (Norge) (maxnorge) [channel.se.sbs.maxnorge=False, no=False, National, AA14585A-F519-42FF-824B-7ABAC76F18FD] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: FEM (femnorge) [channel.se.sbs.femnorge=False, no=False, National, 94951B96-77FD-4519-8AE2-55C6133CB9EC] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: VOX (voxnorge) [channel.se.sbs.voxnorge=False, no=False, National, 79B3216B-3485-4522-B963-38D0F452C032] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Discovery Science (Norge) (discoverysciencenorge) [channel.se.sbs.discoverysciencenorge=False, no=False, National, A4F6C1DA-A485-4504-B6C2-840E5548E87D] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Discovery World (Norge) (discoveryworldnorge) [channel.se.sbs.discoveryworldnorge=False, no=False, National, 1A272A28-3655-4991-B983-5EEBC1282534] (Order: #no.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Dplay (Danmark) (dplaydk) [channel.se.sbs.dplaydk=False, dk=False, National, 5141DFDF-3B9D-4368-8943-2F8D500BC2D1] (Order: #dk.0007) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/l1/chn_l1.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: L1 [channel.regionalnl.l1=True, nl=True, Regional, 29D36E00-730B-11E2-AD39-B0F06188709B] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/at5/chn_at5.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Noord-Holland (rtvnh) [channel.regionalnl.at5.rtvnh=True, nl=True, Regional, EF46E726-92F4-42FC-A6D4-68A888E23E96] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: AT5 [channel.regionalnl.at5=True, nl=True, Regional, 870EAD32-F2F9-11DD-B0E7-747356D89593] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/flevo/chn_flevo.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Flevoland [channel.regionalnl.flevo=True, nl=True, Regional, D74952F3-B72B-4AF9-83E6-9394D37D786E] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/brabant/chn_brabant.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Brabant (omroepbrabant) [channel.regionalnl.brabant.omroepbrabant=True, nl=True, Regional, 770D3385-2EC9-4B87-9BC8-3A7190248A9C] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/lokaal/chn_lokaal.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Omroep Gelderland (omroepgelderland) [channel.regionalnl.lokaal.omroepgelderland=False, nl=False, Regional, B2AF5744-4697-44CD-9A54-CFD6A4273207] (Order: #_nl.0100) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omrop Fryslân (omropfryslan) [channel.regionalnl.lokaal.omropfryslan=True, nl=True, Regional, 81CD5339-0D59-4019-9171-12A98815311C] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/openregio/chn_openregio.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: WOS Westland, Midden-Delfland, Hoek van Holland, Maassluis (wosnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.wosnl=True, nl=True, Regional, 7018D677-000B-4EDD-9AA6-6D823A6F10E6] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: DTV Oss-Bernheze, ’s-Hertogenbosch en Uden (dtvnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.dtvnl=True, nl=True, Regional, BE475CCB-1031-4B8E-B69E-F5DA3CA33BCA] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Venlo (venlonl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.venlonl=True, nl=True, Regional, 8F501417-99FD-4E55-89AA-18B0BD3C25BC] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Horst aan de Maas (horstnl) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.horstnl=True, nl=True, Regional, E737DB6F-8741-4B89-BD04-8874DE050131] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Studio 040 (studio040) [channel.regionalnl.openregio.studio040=True, nl=True, Regional, E1F58AD4-C970-49AB-9B38-7FA9F6D1AFC3] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.regionalnl/regiogroei/chn_regiogroei.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Utrecht (rtvutrecht) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvutrecht=True, nl=True, Regional, BD113683-233A-46EB-962D-98B3C02EB738] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Zeeland (omroepzeeland) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepzeeland=True, nl=True, Regional, 8B4A56C7-44D5-40C2-A890-2287C4C1D74B] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Noord (rtvnoord) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvnoord=True, nl=True, Regional, 7C40EEE7-40F4-40ED-8A70-FAAB42B7A2B1] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Rijnmond (rtvrijnmond) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvrijnmond=True, nl=True, Regional, BF2B907D-D437-46DB-B802-F946850098FB] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep West (omroepwest) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepwest=True, nl=True, Regional, EFE57022-9F52-41F9-8775-13CCD001FA56] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Omroep Gelderland (omroepgelderland) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.omroepgelderland=True, nl=True, Regional, 9CC8EF1B-8840-42F1-B0A1-0D20652DB68F] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Oost (rtvoost) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvoost=True, nl=True, Regional, 5B5FFB5A-2537-473C-AA80-8C256FA632DB] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTV Drenthe (rtvdrenthe) [channel.regionalnl.regiogroei.rtvdrenthe=True, nl=True, Regional, B7EB69DF-18C4-4935-BA83-0B2A89295178] (Order: #_nl.0100)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtmbe/chn_vtmbe.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: VTM.be (vtm) [channel.be.vtmbe.vtm=True, be=True, National, 7F92EAEE-6066-4ED5-911A-2C3DCF964D19] (Order: #be.0010)
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Q2.be (q2) [channel.be.vtmbe.q2=False, be=False, National, 01C7064B-7E7A-4742-A042-E6F2F4EC5966] (Order: #be.0011) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Stievie (stievie) [channel.be.vtmbe.stievie=True, be=True, National, 61AA2559-7D64-40A2-A3BE-56DD3F6BBD4A] (Order: #be.0011)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vrtnu/chn_vrtnu.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: VRT NU (vrtnu) [channel.be.vrtnu.vrtnu=True, be=True, National, F530A9EC-3C0D-49B6-96C2-480273417460] (Order: #be.0011)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/een/chn_een.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Eén [channel.be.een=False, be=False, National, 16A5C86D-52C5-48C1-B894-1CC23EBF1CD8] (Order: #be.0001) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/rtbf/chn_rtbf.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: RTBF [channel.be.rtbf=True, be=True, National, 79569D55-6298-402A-8AF0-A16955EA052F] (Order: #be.0014)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vtm/chn_vtm.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: VTM Nieuws (vtmnieuws) [channel.be.vtm.vtmnieuws=True, be=True, National, 66756700-6255-4973-AFFB-A1DE4FAF8678] (Order: #be.0011)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/ketnet/chn_ketnet.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Ketnet (ketnet) [channel.be.ketnet.ketnet=True, be=True, National, 756FFEC8-B6BA-11E0-898D-1F434824019B] (Order: #be.0012)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/sporza/chn_sporza.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Sporza (sporza) [channel.be.sporza.sporza=False, be=False, National, 71128378-B6BA-11E0-A68A-1B434824019B] (Order: #be.0013) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.be/vier/chn_vier.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: GoPlay (goplay) [channel.be.vier.goplay=True, be=True, National, E108F736-8375-4B5D-B74A-7B70BF52043E] (Order: #be.0001)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Vier [channel.be.vier=True, be=True, National, 50E04907-8983-4552-A775-E70F3D91FB99] (Order: #be.0004)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Vijf (vijfbe) [channel.be.vier.vijfbe=True, be=True, National, 9F44A86D-D62F-4775-A5BC-B99D1AE038FE] (Order: #be.0005)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Zes (zesbe) [channel.be.vier.zesbe=True, be=True, National, AF79856C-95E1-4181-8636-C479E447F092] (Order: #be.0006)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Zeven (zevenbe) [channel.be.vier.zevenbe=True, be=True, National, 3C96398D-22E5-4C61-9308-092FC34A19C0] (Order: #be.0006)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickelodeon/chn_nickelodeon.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nickelodeon (nickelodeon) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.nickelodeon=False, nl=False, Kids, 8D4EBAE8-F3C6-11DD-92EE-F2FE55D89593] (Order: #_nl.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nickelodeon (Norge) (nickno) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.nickno=False, no=False, Kids, 47AA717E-F919-11E1-977F-0DEC6188709B] (Order: #no.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: MTV.nl (mtvnl) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.mtvnl=True, nl=True, Video, 7C52452A-F2F9-11DD-BE3F-3F7356D89593] (Order: #_nl.0020)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: MTV.de (mtvde) [channel.nick.nickelodeon.mtvde=True, de=True, Video, 55635AAA-183C-11E2-ABEC-36706188709B] (Order: #de.0020)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nick/nickjr/chn_nickjr.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nick Jr. (nickjrnl) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickjrnl=False, nl=False, Kids, 48DDDDCB-5500-4422-8AFC-8312B72E1ABA] (Order: #_nl.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nick Jr. International (nickjrintl) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickjrintl=False, None=False, Kids, 27A74E50-838B-4F0D-98DE-82E7403567C8] (Order: #zz.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Nickelodeon (Sverige) (nickse) [channel.nick.nickjr.nickse=False, se=False, Kids, 8D1E5858-F926-11E1-BE1C-90F66188709B] (Order: #se.0022) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.no/nrkno/chn_nrkno.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: NRK TV (nrkno) [channel.no.nrkno.nrkno=True, no=True, National, 2FB36241-5BB1-4D38-AD36-F48EAE91CDB5] (Order: #no.0001)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/viafree/chn_viafree.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV3 (Sverige) (se3) [channel.mtg.viafree.se3=False, se=False, National, 9EC8F612-2EA4-11DE-867C-B84656D89593] (Order: #se.0003) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV6 (Sverige) (se6) [channel.mtg.viafree.se6=False, se=False, National, FB34E1F0-2930-11DE-A339-255856D89593] (Order: #se.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV8 (Sverige) (se8) [channel.mtg.viafree.se8=False, se=False, National, BDC1A5C5-2777-4D05-BB5B-742A88B89CC5] (Order: #se.0008) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV10 (se10) [channel.mtg.viafree.se10=False, se=False, National, 584E7420-2867-11E3-AA01-F2806188709B] (Order: #se.0010) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: ViaFree (Sverige) (viafreese) [channel.mtg.viafree.viafreese=False, se=False, National, FF998410-CAD5-4FDC-9E48-E28BC4E51BC4] (Order: #se.0010) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: National Geographic (Sverige) (ngse) [channel.mtg.viafree.ngse=False, se=False, National, D2FE9600-EFFB-4D15-A175-FBDE01907944] (Order: #se.0011) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: MTV (Sverige) (mtvse) [channel.mtg.viafree.mtvse=False, se=False, National, CAACF71C-55B2-456A-86B9-F0A80710B286] (Order: #se.0012) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV3 (Norge) (no3) [channel.mtg.viafree.no3=False, no=False, National, 89673FF0-5EF3-11E0-8CC9-494DDFD72085] (Order: #no.0003) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Viasat 4 (no4) [channel.mtg.viafree.no4=False, no=False, National, 90DD5C88-5EF3-11E0-93A2-4D4DDFD72085] (Order: #no.0004) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: TV6 (Norge) (no6) [channel.mtg.viafree.no6=False, no=False, National, 3CD2662C-3C7A-4217-8375-079B2D850F27] (Order: #no.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: ViaFree (Norge) (viafreeno) [channel.mtg.viafree.viafreeno=False, no=False, National, 281E8079-33E7-4C4F-85F6-A04F3A7D5B92] (Order: #no.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtg/tvse/chn_tvse.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV3 Play (Latvija) (tv3lv) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3lv=True, lv=True, National, 8D9FBD00-2284-11E0-8957-55B8DFD72085] (Order: #lv.0003)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV3 Play (Eesti) (tv3ee) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3ee=True, ee=True, National, 45527F0C-91FE-11E1-942B-5AB5BBE59B18] (Order: #ee.0003)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV6 Play (Eesti) (tv6ee) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv6ee=True, ee=True, National, 82D73241-284B-4326-9E32-AFEF3C439951] (Order: #ee.0006)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV3 Play (Lietuva) (tv3lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv3lt=True, lt=True, National, 7FEDC7EA-2281-11E0-8F30-67B5DFD72085] (Order: #lt.0003)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV6 Play (Lietuva) (tv6lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv6lt=True, lt=True, National, 49A02D20-2283-11E0-8771-2AB7DFD72085] (Order: #lt.0006)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: TV8 Play (Lietuva) (tv8lt) [channel.mtg.tvse.tv8lt=True, lt=True, National, 1F41C7FB-D3EC-4C4A-84BD-E063A8F6FFAD] (Order: #lt.0008)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.de/srf/chn_srf.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: SRF.ch Play (srf) [channel.de.srf.srf=True, de=True, National, A9BE95B0-2ED6-4E75-B5DF-C3ECAF0441E6] (Order: #de.0101)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.mtv/southpark/chn_southpark.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Southpark Sweden (southpark.se) [channel.mtv.southpark.southpark.se=False, se=False, Video, F9616B7C-5CC8-11E1-8F40-43194824019B] (Order: #se.0255) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Southpark.NL (southpark) [channel.mtv.southpark.southpark=False, nl=False, Video, 3ac3d6d0-5b2a-11dd-ae16-0800200c9a66] (Order: #_nl.0255) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.uk/bbc/chn_bbc.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: BBC iPlayer (bbciplayer) [channel.uk.bbc.bbciplayer=True, en-gb=True, National, F1E2E7DA-5710-4455-8EEF-CEAF16AF1121] (Order: #en-gb.0001)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nosnl/chn_nosnl.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: NOS.nl (nosnl) [channel.nos.nosnl.nosnl=True, nl=True, National, EE33E7EC-FDAB-11E0-AA09-1EED4724019B] (Order: #_nl.0200)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/bvntv/chn_bvntv.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: BVN (bvntv) [channel.nos.bvntv.bvntv=True, nl=True, National, D6527D8C-F08C-4E43-AE9A-E25F90EC03EA] (Order: #_nl.0101)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/nos2010/chn_nos2010.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: NPO Start (uzgjson) [channel.nos.nos2010.uzgjson=True, nl=True, National, ED8FDB9C-3870-11E2-B1C2-192A6288709B] (Order: #_nl.0001)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.nos/schooltv/chn_schooltv.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: NTR: School TV (schooltv) [channel.nos.schooltv.schooltv=False, nl=False, National, 19B126B1-4896-4378-A345-A0ABA313CB75] (Order: #_nl.0025) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/radio538/chn_radio538.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Radio 538 (538) [channel.streams.radio538.538=True, nl=True, Radio, 0C59FF4A-8E07-11E1-B2D2-8071BBE59B18] (Order: #_nl.0220)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.streams/24classic/chn_24classic.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: 24 Classics [channel.streams.24classic=False, None=False, Radio, F9AE6336-74BD-4FDF-B453-3BE23187D201] (Order: #zz.0250) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.rtlnl/rtl/chn_rtl.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: RTL XL (RTL 4,5,7 & 8) [channel.rtlnl.rtl=False, nl=False, National, 15D92364-42F4-11DD-AF9B-7BFF55D89593] (Order: #_nl.0004) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.sbsnl/kijknl/chn_kijknl.json'
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: SBS 6 (sbs) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.sbs=False, nl=False, National, 60948038-60A4-11E2-B01B-8BE36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0006) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Net 5 (net5) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.net5=False, nl=False, National, 658A5A36-60A4-11E2-A236-8CE36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0005) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: Veronica (veronica) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.veronica=False, nl=False, National, 6B32718A-60A4-11E2-87B1-A6E36188709B] (Order: #_nl.0010) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [WARNING ] - channelimporter.py   - 188  - Not loading: SBS 9 (sbs9) [channel.sbsnl.kijknl.sbs9=False, nl=False, National, C77710DE-21B6-467A-A547-0F64C6C6186E] (Order: #_nl.0009) -> ignored in the channel set
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 201  - Found channel: Kijk.nl [channel.sbsnl.kijknl=True, nl=True, National, 271456ED-6E84-4FAB-A7AF-77A1C669F942] (Order: #_nl.0005)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 208  - No channel changes found. Skipping add-on configuration for channels.
20240912 13:47:44 - [INFO    ] - channelimporter.py   - 213  - Fetch a total of 58 channels of which 58 are visible.
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 217  - Stopwatch :: Stop (ChannelIndex.get_channels Importer): 1726112864.2822757, time elapsed: 12.334346771240234 ms (+12.334346771240234 ms)
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'npolarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/npolarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'npoposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/npoposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'nosfanart4.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/nosfanart4.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'kijklarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/k/kijklarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'kijkposter.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/k/kijkposter.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'kijkfanart.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/k/kijkfanart.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping MTV.nl (Video) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Pathé Nederland (Video) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping AT5 (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping DTV Oss-Bernheze, ’s-Hertogenbosch en Uden (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping L1 (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omroep Brabant (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omroep Flevoland (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omroep Gelderland (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omroep Horst aan de Maas (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omroep Venlo (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omroep West (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omroep Zeeland (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Omrop Fryslân (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping RTV Drenthe (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping RTV Noord (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping RTV Noord-Holland (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping RTV Oost (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping RTV Rijnmond (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping RTV Utrecht (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Studio 040 (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping WOS Westland, Midden-Delfland, Hoek van Holland, Maassluis (Regional) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'bvntvicon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/b/bvntvicon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'bvntvposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/b/bvntvposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'bvntvfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/b/bvntvfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'nosnllarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/nosnllarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'nosnlposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/nosnlposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'nosnlfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/nosnlfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Tweede Kamer Debat Direct (Video) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Fox Sports (Sport) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'onsicon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/o/onsicon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'onsposter.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/o/onsposter.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'onsfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/o/onsfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Radio 538 (Radio) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Dumpert.nl (Video) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Hardware.info (Tech) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'goplayicon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/g/goplayicon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'goplayposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/g/goplayposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'goplayfanart.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/g/goplayfanart.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'viericon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/viericon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vierposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vierposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vierfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vierfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vijficon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vijficon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vijfposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vijfposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vijffanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vijffanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'zesiconlight.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/z/zesiconlight.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'zesposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/z/zesposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'zesfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/z/zesfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'zeveniconlight.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/z/zeveniconlight.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'zevenposter.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/z/zevenposter.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'zevenfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/z/zevenfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vtmbelogo.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vtmbelogo.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vtmbefanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vtmbefanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'stievielogo.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/s/stievielogo.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'stieviefanart2.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/s/stieviefanart2.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vrtnuicon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vrtnuicon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vrtnufanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vrtnufanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vtmlarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vtmlarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'vtmfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/vtmfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'ketnetlarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/k/ketnetlarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'ketnetfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/k/ketnetfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'rtbficon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/r/rtbficon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'rtbffanart.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/r/rtbffanart.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping MTV.de (Video) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'srficon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/s/srficon.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'srffanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/s/srffanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv3eelarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv3eelarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv3eefanart.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv3eefanart.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv6eelarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv6eelarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv6eefanart.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv6eefanart.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'bbciplayerlarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/b/bbciplayerlarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'bbcfanart.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/b/bbcfanart.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping TWiT.TV (Tech) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv3ltlarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv3ltlarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv3ltfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv3ltfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv6large.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv6large.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv6viasatfanart.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv6viasatfanart.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv8ltlarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv8ltlarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv8ltfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv8ltfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv3lvlarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv3lvlarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv3lvfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv3lvfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'nrknolarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/nrknolarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'nrkfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/n/nrkfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'svtlarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/s/svtlarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'svtposter.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/s/svtposter.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'svtfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/s/svtfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'urplaylarge.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/u/urplaylarge.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'urplayposter.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/u/urplayposter.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'urplayfanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/u/urplayfanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv4large.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv4large.png'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv4poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv4poster.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'tv4playsefanart.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/t/tv4playsefanart.jpg'
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - channellistaction.py - 72   - Skipping Microsoft Learn (Channel 9) (Tech) due to category filter
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:47:44 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:47:44 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:47:46 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl'}
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'channelcode': None} (3)
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.03 minutes (0.00 hours) ago
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112866.1149075
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 187  - process_folder_list :: No item was specified. Assuming it was the main channel list
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/alias/home/layout?nbPages=1'
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:47:46 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:47:46 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:47:50 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:47:50 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.942167) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:47:50 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://front-auth.videoland.bedrock.tech/v2/platforms/m6group_web/getJwt
20240912 13:47:52 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.804414) for https://front-auth.videoland.bedrock.tech/v2/platforms/m6group_web/getJwt
20240912 13:47:52 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://users.videoland.bedrock.tech/v2/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/profiles
20240912 13:47:55 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.632605) for https://users.videoland.bedrock.tech/v2/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/profiles
20240912 13:47:55 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://front-auth.videoland.bedrock.tech/v2/platforms/m6group_web/getJwt
20240912 13:47:58 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.441580) for https://front-auth.videoland.bedrock.tech/v2/platforms/m6group_web/getJwt
20240912 13:47:58 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 34   - Local Setting Updated: videoland.com-jwt: '<no of your business>'
20240912 13:47:58 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:47:58 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:47:58 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:00 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:48:00 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:01 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.010891) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:01 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:48:01 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/alias/home/layout?nbPages=1
20240912 13:48:01 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/alias/home/layout?nbPages=1
20240912 13:48:01 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/alias/home/layout?nbPages=1
20240912 13:48:07 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:48:08 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:05.817364) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/alias/home/layout?nbPages=1
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Mainlist for Videoland' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=MatchStart, Logon=True):
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/alias/home/layout?nbPages=1
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     <bound method Channel.add_others_and_check_correct_url of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d11b080>>
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['blocks']
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_mainlist_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d11b080>>
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    None
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 267  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PreProcessor
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'rtl4-poster.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/r/rtl4-poster.png'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'rtl5-poster.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/r/rtl5-poster.png'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'rtl7-poster.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/r/rtl7-poster.png'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'rtl8-poster.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/r/rtl8-poster.png'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'rtlz-poster.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/r/rtlz-poster.png'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 24 items
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 22175.26412010193 ms (delta +22175.26412010193 ms)
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 70   - process_folder_list returned 31 items
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 22183.81667137146 ms (delta +8.55255126953125 ms)
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 22184.24153327942 ms (delta +0.4248619079589844 ms)
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 205  - PickleStore: Merging '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 219  - PickleStore: Merged into 111 children, 0 favourites
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112888.3036256, time elapsed: 22188.71808052063 ms (+4.4765472412109375 ms)
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [1, 40]
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: tvshows
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:48:08 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:48:08 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:48:10 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27'}
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27' with full pickle
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'gAWVmwQAAAAAAACMF3Jlc291cmNlcy5saWIubWVkaWFpdGVtlIwKRm9sZGVySXRlbZSTlCmBlH2UKIwEbmFtZZSMBVJUTCA0lIwNdHZfc2hvd190aXRsZZROjAN1cmyUjLxodHRwczovL2xheW91dC52aWRlb2xhbmQuYmVkcm9jay50ZWNoL2Zyb250L3YxL3J0bG5sL202Z3JvdXBfd2ViL21haW4vdG9rZW4td2ViLTQvc2VydmljZS92aWRlb2xhbmRfcm9vdC9ibG9jay9wYWdlXzY1YTQ1NDExNzY3Zjg5LjM5MDA4NjM0LS01ODJjYjBlYi0zYmQyLTRkMjAtOTczMi04OTYzZDA1ZDA1ZWY%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%2bGcwJ6Nme8GeBU9GryX4Rd5fzoyq7pQB1Yi4%3d', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27'} (5)
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.41 minutes (0.01 hours) ago
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112890.8278947
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10'
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:48:10 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:48:10 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:48:14 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:48:14 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.514771) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:48:14 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:14 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:14 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:16 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:48:16 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:17 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.813081) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:17 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:48:17 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:17 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:17 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:48:21 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.921539) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Main processor that create content items (folders/videos) from blocks' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=Regex, Logon=True):
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   ^https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     None
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['content', 'items']
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_content_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8cf9ec00>>
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    <bound method Channel.postprocess_episodes of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8cf9ec00>>
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 40 items
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 330  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PostProcessor
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 10631.40082359314 ms (delta +10631.40082359314 ms)
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 70   - process_folder_list returned 40 items
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 10635.95724105835 ms (delta +4.556417465209961 ms)
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 10636.345863342285 ms (delta +0.3886222839355469 ms)
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 205  - PickleStore: Merging '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 219  - PickleStore: Merged into 78 children, 0 favourites
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112901.4678252, time elapsed: 10639.930486679077 ms (+3.584623336791992 ms)
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [3, 1, 40]
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: episodes
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:48:21 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:48:21 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:48:42 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27'}
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27' with full pickle
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'gAWVmwQAAAAAAACMF3Jlc291cmNlcy5saWIubWVkaWFpdGVtlIwKRm9sZGVySXRlbZSTlCmBlH2UKIwEbmFtZZSMBVJUTCA0lIwNdHZfc2hvd190aXRsZZROjAN1cmyUjLxodHRwczovL2xheW91dC52aWRlb2xhbmQuYmVkcm9jay50ZWNoL2Zyb250L3YxL3J0bG5sL202Z3JvdXBfd2ViL21haW4vdG9rZW4td2ViLTQvc2VydmljZS92aWRlb2xhbmRfcm9vdC9ibG9jay9wYWdlXzY1YTQ1NDExNzY3Zjg5LjM5MDA4NjM0LS01ODJjYjBlYi0zYmQyLTRkMjAtOTczMi04OTYzZDA1ZDA1ZWY%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%2bGcwJ6Nme8GeBU9GryX4Rd5fzoyq7pQB1Yi4%3d', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27'} (5)
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--A5BB2AA3F39777117EC9ABD1538167F09ED9E809CC19BE7370698724A4AA9C27
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.54 minutes (0.01 hours) ago
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112922.9928105
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10'
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:48:42 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:48:42 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:48:46 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:48:46 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.275616) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:48:46 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:46 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:46 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:48 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:48:48 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:49 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.806743) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:48:49 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:48:49 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:49 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:49 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:52 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:48:53 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.804859) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a45411767f89.39008634--582cb0eb-3bd2-4d20-9732-8963d05d05ef?nbPages=10
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Main processor that create content items (folders/videos) from blocks' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=Regex, Logon=True):
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   ^https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     None
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['content', 'items']
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_content_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d1b0ed0>>
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    <bound method Channel.postprocess_episodes of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d1b0ed0>>
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 40 items
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 330  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PostProcessor
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 10259.54270362854 ms (delta +10259.54270362854 ms)
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 70   - process_folder_list returned 40 items
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 10264.00375366211 ms (delta +4.461050033569336 ms)
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 10264.595031738281 ms (delta +0.591278076171875 ms)
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 205  - PickleStore: Merging '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 219  - PickleStore: Merged into 78 children, 0 favourites
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/a5/bb/a5bb2aa3f39777117ec9abd1538167f09ed9e809cc19be7370698724a4aa9c27.store.z'
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112933.2617576, time elapsed: 10268.947124481201 ms (+4.352092742919922 ms)
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [3, 1, 40]
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: episodes
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:48:53 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:48:53 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:49:21 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--2CC1943D4C0B46BFCF503A75C44F988B9FA1D6FFA07668027B63B51C01311A5B
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--2CC1943D4C0B46BFCF503A75C44F988B9FA1D6FFA07668027B63B51C01311A5B'}
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--2CC1943D4C0B46BFCF503A75C44F988B9FA1D6FFA07668027B63B51C01311A5B' with full pickle
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': '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%2fWoZ%2bLmE%2fEdTpQz79GC0w9lMEsdWIu', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--2CC1943D4C0B46BFCF503A75C44F988B9FA1D6FFA07668027B63B51C01311A5B'} (5)
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--2CC1943D4C0B46BFCF503A75C44F988B9FA1D6FFA07668027B63B51C01311A5B
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.64 minutes (0.01 hours) ago
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112961.3379028
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a44d889f7982.33185461--6d1869d5-ef61-461c-b634-226a1bb29c7d?nbPages=10'
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:49:21 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:49:21 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:49:24 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:49:24 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.590274) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:49:24 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:24 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:24 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:27 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:49:27 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:28 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.087432) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:28 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:49:28 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a44d889f7982.33185461--6d1869d5-ef61-461c-b634-226a1bb29c7d?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:28 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a44d889f7982.33185461--6d1869d5-ef61-461c-b634-226a1bb29c7d?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:28 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a44d889f7982.33185461--6d1869d5-ef61-461c-b634-226a1bb29c7d?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:30 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:49:31 - [ERROR   ] - urihandler.py        - 555  - GET failed with '404 Not Found' (0:00:02.941133) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_65a44d889f7982.33185461--6d1869d5-ef61-461c-b634-226a1bb29c7d?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Main processor that create content items (folders/videos) from blocks' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=Regex, Logon=True):
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   ^https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     None
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['content', 'items']
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_content_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d21ad90>>
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    <bound method Channel.postprocess_episodes of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d21ad90>>
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 0 items
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 330  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PostProcessor
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 10026.783466339111 ms (delta +10026.783466339111 ms)
20240912 13:49:31 - [WARNING ] - folderaction.py      - 67   - process_folder_list returned 0 items
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 165  - Showing empty info for mode (favs=False): [dummy]
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 10027.331590652466 ms (delta +0.5481243133544922 ms)
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 10027.445793151855 ms (delta +0.11420249938964844 ms)
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/2c/c1/2cc1943d4c0b46bfcf503a75c44f988b9fa1d6ffa07668027b63b51c01311a5b.store.z'
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/2c/c1/2cc1943d4c0b46bfcf503a75c44f988b9fa1d6ffa07668027b63b51c01311a5b.store.z'
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112971.3660243, time elapsed: 10028.12147140503 ms (+0.6756782531738281 ms)
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [1, 40]
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: tvshows
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:49:31 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:49:31 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:49:48 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--1D654864B03D5566806D3084B834803EE049E1D459AB781088FAAE882C3EB4A3
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--1D654864B03D5566806D3084B834803EE049E1D459AB781088FAAE882C3EB4A3'}
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--1D654864B03D5566806D3084B834803EE049E1D459AB781088FAAE882C3EB4A3' with full pickle
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': '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%2bgDS4hDBtgGZVPbBkSGUddWIu', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--1D654864B03D5566806D3084B834803EE049E1D459AB781088FAAE882C3EB4A3'} (5)
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--1D654864B03D5566806D3084B834803EE049E1D459AB781088FAAE882C3EB4A3
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.45 minutes (0.01 hours) ago
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112988.3075821
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--10b61ae4-8d62-4059-a280-6b065419d71f?nbPages=10'
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:49:48 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:49:48 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:49:51 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:49:51 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.267385) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:49:51 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:51 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:51 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:53 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:49:53 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:54 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.692524) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:49:54 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:49:54 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--10b61ae4-8d62-4059-a280-6b065419d71f?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:54 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--10b61ae4-8d62-4059-a280-6b065419d71f?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:54 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--10b61ae4-8d62-4059-a280-6b065419d71f?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:49:58 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.908360) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--10b61ae4-8d62-4059-a280-6b065419d71f?nbPages=10
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Main processor that create content items (folders/videos) from blocks' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=Regex, Logon=True):
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   ^https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     None
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['content', 'items']
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_content_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d0291f0>>
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    <bound method Channel.postprocess_episodes of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d0291f0>>
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 20 items
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 330  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PostProcessor
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 10237.009525299072 ms (delta +10237.009525299072 ms)
20240912 13:49:58 - [WARNING ] - folderaction.py      - 67   - process_folder_list returned 0 items
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 165  - Showing empty info for mode (favs=False): [dummy]
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 10237.674236297607 ms (delta +0.6647109985351562 ms)
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 10237.77174949646 ms (delta +0.09751319885253906 ms)
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/1d/65/1d654864b03d5566806d3084b834803ee049e1d459ab781088faae882c3eb4a3.store.z'
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/1d/65/1d654864b03d5566806d3084b834803ee049e1d459ab781088faae882c3eb4a3.store.z'
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726112998.5460386, time elapsed: 10238.45648765564 ms (+0.6847381591796875 ms)
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [1, 40]
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: tvshows
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:49:58 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:49:58 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:50:17 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9'}
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/c5/18/c5182b93-6b71-44be-948f-0b74e6c2baa6.store.z'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9' with full pickle
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'gAWVtAQAAAAAAACMF3Jlc291cmNlcy5saWIubWVkaWFpdGVtlIwKRm9sZGVySXRlbZSTlCmBlH2UKIwEbmFtZZSMFFRvcCAxMCB2YW4gZGV6ZSB3ZWVrlIwNdHZfc2hvd190aXRsZZROjAN1cmyUjMBodHRwczovL2xheW91dC52aWRlb2xhbmQuYmVkcm9jay50ZWNoL2Zyb250L3YxL3J0bG5sL202Z3JvdXBfd2ViL21haW4vdG9rZW4td2ViLTQvc2VydmljZS92aWRlb2xhbmRfcm9vdC9ibG9jay9wYWdlXzY2ZTI2NDc1NTJjNmM3LjM0MjE4MDM2LS00N2E5MGIyYy02NjllLTQ1M2YtOGUzZC0wN2VlYmJlNGQ0ZDBfMTY3P25iUGFnZXM9MTCUjAlhY3Rpb25VcmyUTowIcG9zdERhdGGUTowIcG9zdEpzb26UTowLZGVzY3JpcHRpb26UjACUjAV0aHVtYpSMRnJlc291cmNlOi8vcmVzb3VyY2UuaW1hZ2VzLnJldHJvc3BlY3QvY2hhbm5lbHMvdi92aWRlb2xhbmRubC10aHVtYi5qcGeUjAZmYW5hcnSUjEtyZXNvdXJjZTovL3Jlc291cmNlLmltYWdlcy5yZXRyb3NwZWN0L2NoYW5uZWxzL3YvdmlkZW9sYW5kbmwtZmFuYXJ0LXJlZC5qcGeUjARpY29ulIxFcmVzb3VyY2U6Ly9yZXNvdXJjZS5pbWFnZXMucmV0cm9zcGVjdC9jaGFubmVscy92L3ZpZGVvbGFuZG5sLWljb24ucG5nlIwGcG9zdGVylIxHcmVzb3VyY2U6Ly9yZXNvdXJjZS5pbWFnZXMucmV0cm9zcGVjdC9jaGFubmVscy92L3ZpZGVvbGFuZG5sLXBvc3Rlci5qcGeUjBBfTWVkaWFJdGVtX19kYXRllGgOjBVfTWVkaWFJdGVtX190aW1lc3RhbXCUjAhkYXRldGltZZSMCGRhdGV0aW1llJOUQwoAAQEBAAAAAAAAlIWUUpSMHF9NZWRpYUl0ZW1fX2V4cGlyZXNfZGF0ZXRpbWWUTowJZG9udEdyb3VwlImMBmlzTGl2ZZSJjAtjYWNoZVRvRGlzY5SIjAtpc0dlb0xvY2tlZJSJjA5pc0RybVByb3RlY3RlZJSJjAZpc1BhaWSUiYwGc2Vhc29ulEsAjAdlcGlzb2RllEsAjBZfTWVkaWFJdGVtX19pbmZvTGFiZWxzlH2UjAhjb21wbGV0ZZSJjAVpdGVtc5RdlIwLSHR0cEhlYWRlcnOUfZSMCWlzQ2xvYWtlZJSJjAhtZXRhRGF0YZR9lIwKbWVkaWFfdHlwZZROjAxjb250ZW50X3R5cGWUjAd0dnNob3dzlIwHc3RyZWFtc5RdlIwIc3VidGl0bGWUTowQX01lZGlhSXRlbV9fZ3VpZJSMQERGOTBEQzVCMUEwQURCRTEyNDQ0MDQxRTEzMDUzQTNGQUQ1MzhEODg5REQ5NEJCMTZCQzVCQkVEQkQ2OUZGQTmUjBZfTWVkaWFJdGVtX19ndWlkX3ZhbHVllIohqf9pve27xWuxS9mdiI1TrT86BRMeBEQk4dsKGlvckN8AdWIu', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9'} (5)
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6--DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.49 minutes (0.01 hours) ago
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726113017.5272214
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--47a90b2c-669e-453f-8e3d-07eebbe4d4d0_167?nbPages=10'
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:50:17 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:17 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:21 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:50:21 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.491033) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:21 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:21 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:21 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:23 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:50:23 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:23 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.971138) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:24 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:50:24 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--47a90b2c-669e-453f-8e3d-07eebbe4d4d0_167?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:24 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--47a90b2c-669e-453f-8e3d-07eebbe4d4d0_167?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:24 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--47a90b2c-669e-453f-8e3d-07eebbe4d4d0_167?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:50:27 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.239669) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/page_66e2647552c6c7.34218036--47a90b2c-669e-453f-8e3d-07eebbe4d4d0_167?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Main processor that create content items (folders/videos) from blocks' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=Regex, Logon=True):
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   ^https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/service/videoland_root/block/
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     None
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['content', 'items']
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_content_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8cd88b50>>
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    <bound method Channel.postprocess_episodes of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8cd88b50>>
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 10 items
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 330  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PostProcessor
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 10069.897174835205 ms (delta +10069.897174835205 ms)
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 70   - process_folder_list returned 10 items
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 10070.982694625854 ms (delta +1.085519790649414 ms)
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 10071.131229400635 ms (delta +0.14853477478027344 ms)
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/df/90/df90dc5b1a0adbe12444041e13053a3fad538d889dd94bb16bc5bbedbd69ffa9.store.z'
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/df/90/df90dc5b1a0adbe12444041e13053a3fad538d889dd94bb16bc5bbedbd69ffa9.store.z'
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726113027.5991797, time elapsed: 10071.958303451538 ms (+0.8270740509033203 ms)
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [1, 40]
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: tvshows
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:50:27 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:50:27 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:50:31 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9--E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9--E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2'}
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/df/90/df90dc5b1a0adbe12444041e13053a3fad538d889dd94bb16bc5bbedbd69ffa9.store.z'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9--E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2' with full pickle
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'gAWVEQQAAAAAAACMF3Jlc291cmNlcy5saWIubWVkaWFpdGVtlIwKRm9sZGVySXRlbZSTlCmBlH2UKIwEbmFtZZSMHlRlIExhbmQgVGVyIFplZSBFbiBJbiBEZSBMdWNodJSMDXR2X3Nob3dfdGl0bGWUTowDdXJslIxwaHR0cHM6Ly9sYXlvdXQudmlkZW9sYW5kLmJlZHJvY2sudGVjaC9mcm9udC92MS9ydGxubC9tNmdyb3VwX3dlYi9tYWluL3Rva2VuLXdlYi00L3Byb2dyYW0vNDE5MS9sYXlvdXQ%2fbmJQYWdlcz0xMJSMCWFjdGlvblVybJROjAhwb3N0RGF0YZROjAhwb3N0SnNvbpROjAtkZXNjcmlwdGlvbpSMAJSMBXRodW1ilIw%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%2bTIY82BWj1Kbs2YKu%2fyafUj1Jlsz4AB1Yi4%3d', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9--E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2'} (5)
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=DF90DC5B1A0ADBE12444041E13053A3FAD538D889DD94BB16BC5BBEDBD69FFA9--E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.24 minutes (0.00 hours) ago
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726113031.7371476
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/layout?nbPages=10'
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:50:31 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:31 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:35 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:50:35 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.680382) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:35 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:35 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:35 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:38 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:50:38 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:38 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.004884) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:38 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:50:38 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/layout?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:38 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/layout?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:38 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/layout?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:50:42 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.774415) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/layout?nbPages=10
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Parser for the main folder of a show show/program.' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=Regex, Logon=True):
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/\d+/layout
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     <bound method Channel.extract_program_id of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d08b910>>
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['blocks']
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_program_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d08b910>>
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    None
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 267  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PreProcessor
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 3 items
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 10828.27639579773 ms (delta +10828.27639579773 ms)
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 70   - process_folder_list returned 3 items
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 10828.763484954834 ms (delta +0.4870891571044922 ms)
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 10828.845500946045 ms (delta +0.0820159912109375 ms)
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/e0/33/e0335b26f5487d9afcbb0a66b39b528f5660f31832f95e3606d0b540467a74b2.store.z'
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/e0/33/e0335b26f5487d9afcbb0a66b39b528f5660f31832f95e3606d0b540467a74b2.store.z'
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726113042.5665112, time elapsed: 10829.363584518433 ms (+0.5180835723876953 ms)
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [1, 40]
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: tvshows
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:50:42 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:50:42 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:50:45 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2--EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2--EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E'}
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/e0/33/e0335b26f5487d9afcbb0a66b39b528f5660f31832f95e3606d0b540467a74b2.store.z'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2--EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E' with full pickle
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'action': 'listfolder', 'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'pickle': 'gAWVSwQAAAAAAACMF3Jlc291cmNlcy5saWIubWVkaWFpdGVtlIwKRm9sZGVySXRlbZSTlCmBlH2UKIwEbmFtZZSMCVNlaXpvZW4gMZSMDXR2X3Nob3dfdGl0bGWUTowDdXJslIy%2baHR0cHM6Ly9sYXlvdXQudmlkZW9sYW5kLmJlZHJvY2sudGVjaC9mcm9udC92MS9ydGxubC9tNmdyb3VwX3dlYi9tYWluL3Rva2VuLXdlYi00L3Byb2dyYW0vNDE5MS9ibG9jay9wYWdlXzY2ZTI2NTExZDJjZWQ5LjI3Mzg5MDE2LS1iNzUyN2U0Yi05OTRiLTQ2ZWMtYTViMC0wZDRhYmNiMGQ4YzRfMzMyMz9uYlBhZ2VzPTEwJnBhZ2U9MZSMCWFjdGlvblVybJROjAhwb3N0RGF0YZROjAhwb3N0SnNvbpROjAtkZXNjcmlwdGlvbpSMAJSMBXRodW1ilIw%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%2bBsgXYWZ6pmB8y5xmoPF4iM7cbJyPccgc3p1u4AdWIu', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2--EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E'} (5)
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?action=listfolder&channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&pickle=E0335B26F5487D9AFCBB0A66B39B528F5660F31832F95E3606D0B540467A74B2--EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.23 minutes (0.00 hours) ago
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - folderaction.py      - 44   - Plugin::process_folder_list Doing process_folder_list
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 58   - Stopwatch :: Set (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726113045.2886884
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/block/page_66e26511d2ced9.27389016--b7527e4b-994b-46ec-a5b0-0d4abcb0d8c4_3323?nbPages=10&page=1'
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 202  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:50:45 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:45 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:48 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:50:48 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.262975) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:48 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:48 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:48 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:51 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:50:51 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:51 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.959331) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:50:51 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:50:51 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/block/page_66e26511d2ced9.27389016--b7527e4b-994b-46ec-a5b0-0d4abcb0d8c4_3323?nbPages=10&page=1
20240912 13:50:51 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/block/page_66e26511d2ced9.27389016--b7527e4b-994b-46ec-a5b0-0d4abcb0d8c4_3323?nbPages=10&page=1
20240912 13:50:51 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/block/page_66e26511d2ced9.27389016--b7527e4b-994b-46ec-a5b0-0d4abcb0d8c4_3323?nbPages=10&page=1
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:50:54 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.091205) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/4191/block/page_66e26511d2ced9.27389016--b7527e4b-994b-46ec-a5b0-0d4abcb0d8c4_3323?nbPages=10&page=1
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser 'Main processor that create content items (folders/videos) from blocks' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=Regex, Logon=True):
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Match:   ^https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/program/\d+/block/
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Pre:     None
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Parser:  ['content', 'items']
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Creator: <bound method Channel.create_content_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d2178a0>>
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - | Updater: None
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 262  - + Post:    <bound method Channel.postprocess_episodes of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d2178a0>>
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 273  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Parser
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 320  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.Creator for 2 items
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 330  - [DataParsers] Processing DataParser.PostProcessor
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - cloaker.py           - 27   - Setting up a Cloaker based on 'LocalSettings store: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/settings.json'
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 380  - Hiding Cloaked items
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 60   - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Class process_folder_list finished: elapsed since start: 9679.16488647461 ms (delta +9679.16488647461 ms)
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 70   - process_folder_list returned 2 items
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 120  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) Kodi Items generated: elapsed since start: 9679.710388183594 ms (delta +0.545501708984375 ms)
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 124  - Stopwatch :: Lap (Plugin process_folder_list) items send to Kodi: elapsed since start: 9679.803371429443 ms (delta +0.09298324584960938 ms)
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 192  - PickleStore: Write to '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/ee/d6/eed6e9cd811cf7c8c9c6ed8c88170f6ac6b9cc0766aa671676816ce02ba80b0e.store.z'
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 327  - PickleStore: Storing items into '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/ee/d6/eed6e9cd811cf7c8c9c6ed8c88170f6ac6b9cc0766aa671676816ce02ba80b0e.store.z'
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 129  - Stopwatch :: Stop (Plugin process_folder_list): 1726113054.969178, time elapsed: 9680.489540100098 ms (+0.6861686706542969 ms)
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 313  - Sorting methods: [3, 1, 40]
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - folderaction.py      - 366  - Setting content-type to: episodes
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:50:54 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:50:54 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.
20240912 13:50:59 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 32   - XOT Logger :: Appending Existing logFile
20240912 13:50:59 - [WARNING ] - addonsettings.py     - 865  - Debug logging enabled due to Kodi GUI settings.
20240912 13:50:59 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 61   - Re-using existing UriHandler: UriHandler [id=1726112844, useCaching=Cache store [/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/cache/www], ignoreSslErrors=False]
20240912 13:50:59 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 34   - *********** Starting Retrospect add-on version 5.7.17 ***********
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 74   - Parsing parameters from: ?channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&action=playvideo&pickle=EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E--64BDD45E323E126327494B516FE5FDFFCD8940CFA3875676E2478734531146BF
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 244  - Adding ChannelCode=None as it was missing from the dict: {'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'action': 'playvideo', 'pickle': 'EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E--64BDD45E323E126327494B516FE5FDFFCD8940CFA3875676E2478734531146BF'}
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - pickler.py           - 338  - PickleStore: Reading items from '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/pickles/ee/d6/eed6e9cd811cf7c8c9c6ed8c88170f6ac6b9cc0766aa671676816ce02ba80b0e.store.z'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - actionparser.py      - 93   - Replacing PickleStore pickle 'EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E--64BDD45E323E126327494B516FE5FDFFCD8940CFA3875676E2478734531146BF' with full pickle
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - Plugin Params: {'channel': 'channel.videoland.videolandnl', 'action': 'playvideo', 'pickle': 'gAWVLgQAAAAAAACMF3Jlc291cmNlcy5saWIubWVkaWFpdGVtlIwJTWVkaWFJdGVtlJOUKYGUfZQojARuYW1llIwMQWZsZXZlcmluZyAylIwNdHZfc2hvd190aXRsZZSMCVNlaXpvZW4gMZSMA3VybJSMc2h0dHBzOi8vbGF5b3V0LnZpZGVvbGFuZC5iZWRyb2NrLnRlY2gvZnJvbnQvdjEvcnRsbmwvbTZncm91cF93ZWIvbWFpbi90b2tlbi13ZWItNC92aWRlby9jbGlwXzY0NDk2L2xheW91dD9uYlBhZ2VzPTKUjAlhY3Rpb25VcmyUTowIcG9zdERhdGGUTowIcG9zdEpzb26UTowLZGVzY3JpcHRpb26UjACUjAV0aHVtYpSMPmh0dHBzOi8vaW1hZ2VzLWZpby52aWRlb2xhbmQuYmVkcm9jay50ZWNoL3YyL2ltYWdlcy8zOTk5NjMvcmF3lIwGZmFuYXJ0lIw%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%2fRhFTNIdH4nZWh6PPQInN%2f%2f3lb1FLSSdjEj4yXtS9ZHViLg%3d%3d', 'channelcode': None, 'store_id': 'EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E--64BDD45E323E126327494B516FE5FDFFCD8940CFA3875676E2478734531146BF'} (5)
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Handle:      3
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - | Name:        plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 38   - + Query:       ?channel=channel.videoland.videolandnl&action=playvideo&pickle=EED6E9CD811CF7C8C9C6ED8C88170F6AC6B9CC0766AA671676816CE02BA80B0E--64BDD45E323E126327494B516FE5FDFFCD8940CFA3875676E2478734531146BF
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 57   - Checking for active sessions (60.00 minutes / 1.00 hours).
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 93   - Found active session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock' which was modified 0.23 minutes (0.00 hours) ago
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - sessionhelper.py     - 31   - Updating session at '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect/xot.session.lock'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - plugin.py            - 88   - Found Channel data in URL: channel='channel.videoland.videolandnl', code='None'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 42   - Using an existing ChannelIndex for /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.retrospect (id=1726112844).
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - channelinfo.py       - 234  - Fetching ChannelInfo from ChannelInfo Cache for '/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.json'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - channelimporter.py   - 107  - Found single channel in the channel index: Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004).
20240912 13:50:59 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 41   - Initializing channel (__init__): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl=True, nl=True, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: #_nl.0004)
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-icon.png'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-fanart-red.jpg'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 136  - Initializing channel (init_channel): Videoland [channel.videoland.videolandnl, nl, National, C5182B93-6B71-44BE-948F-0B74E6C2BAA6] (Order: 4)
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'videolandnl-thumb.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-thumb.jpg'
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - resourceaddon.py     - 38   - Resolved texture 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg' to 'resource://resource.images.retrospect/channels/v/videolandnl-poster.jpg'
20240912 13:50:59 - [INFO    ] - plugin.py            - 103  - Loaded: Videoland
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - videoaction.py       - 42   - Playing videoitem using PlayListMethod
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 1090 - Found 1 DataParsers for 'https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/video/clip_64496/layout?nbPages=2'
20240912 13:50:59 - [INFO    ] - chn_class.py         - 497  - One or more dataparsers require logging in.
20240912 13:50:59 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 539  - Performing a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:50:59 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:51:02 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'must-revalidate': True, 'max-age': 0}
20240912 13:51:02 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - POST resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.521634) for https://gigya-merge.videoland.com/accounts.getAccountInfo
20240912 13:51:02 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:51:02 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 105  - Expired Cache-Hit: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:51:02 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'max-age': 1, 'public': True}
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 221  - Storing cache for: https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:51:05 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:02.828664) for https://stores.videoland.bedrock.tech/premium/v4/customers/rtlnl/platforms/m6group_web/users/837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a/subscriptions
20240912 13:51:05 - [INFO    ] - authenticator.py     - 51   - Existing authenticated user (1*a*c*@*m*i*.*o*) found.
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 505  - Processing Updater from DataParser 'Video updater' (Json=True, Generic=False, MatchType=MatchStart, Logon=True):
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 505  - | Match:   https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/video/
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 505  - | Pre:     None
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 505  - | Parser:  None
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 505  - | Creator: None
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 505  - | Updater: <bound method Channel.update_video_item of <chn_videolandnl.Channel object at 0x7fff8d61b7e0>>
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_class.py         - 505  - + Post:    None
20240912 13:51:05 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 547  - Performing a GET for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/video/clip_64496/layout?nbPages=2
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 72   - No-Cache-Hit: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/video/clip_64496/layout?nbPages=2
20240912 13:51:05 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 50   - Retrieving data from: https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/video/clip_64496/layout?nbPages=2
20240912 13:51:08 - [DEBUG   ] - cachehttpadapter.py  - 146  - Found cache-control and etag data: {'no-cache': True, 'no-store': True, 'private': True}
20240912 13:51:09 - [INFO    ] - urihandler.py        - 552  - GET resulted in '200 OK' (0:00:03.446563) for https://layout.videoland.bedrock.tech/front/v1/rtlnl/m6group_web/main/token-web-4/video/clip_64496/layout?nbPages=2
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   "advertising": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "prehome": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "googletag": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "adPageName": "clip",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "adPageId": "clip_64496",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "advertisingPack": null
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "corner": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "googletag": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "adPageName": "clip",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "adPageId": "clip_64496",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "advertisingPack": null
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   "analytics": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "googleAnalytics": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension1": "837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension2": "0674027c6f4711efb9c72ccf6771820bb0281776fcc27c9bfe1174f6c7204760",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension3": "91a802a762f623a8b93a1262c296cccdc1bc70eb",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension4": "m6group_web",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension5": "yes",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension6": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension7": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension10": "video",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension11": "Videoland Paid",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension12": "replay",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension13": "vi",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension14": "Spelshow",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension15": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension16": "Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension17": "clip_64496",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension19": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension32": "_puid_837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a_DEFAULT0",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension33": "2e9ab89d-4658-48c3-b761-9ec41f13d706",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension34": "subscriber",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension35": "main",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension36": "ABT_1_1|ABT_4_1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension52": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension57": "TV Gemist",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension58": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension59": 51,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension60": "male",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension61": "first",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension62": 1,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension63": "false",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension64": "false",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension65": "default",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension70": "Web",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "dimension75": "1111592",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "pageName": "main_Player_Page_clip_64496"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "krxd": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Birthyear": 1973,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Gender": "m",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "HEM": "5d9b09a8bd70b71d2c62d168fdf21b7510a629ef2064855b29940195fe5f1912",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "RTL_ID": "837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Video_Genre_1": "Spelshow",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Video_Genre_2": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Video_Genre_3": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "account_holder": 0,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "appname": "Videoland",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "category": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "configID": "t27ulyicy",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "navigation_1": "video",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "navigation_2": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "personContactId": "003Qv00000Q6DK0IAN",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "platform_code": "m6group_web",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "profileType_kids": "0",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "program_title": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "registration_available": true,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "registration_price": "0",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "registration_rateplan": "Free",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "registration_subscription_amount": "0",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "screentitle": "Aflevering 2",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "tier": "subscriber",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "video_title": "Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "visitor_type": "subscriber"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "usabilla": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "contentId": "clip_64496",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "continueWatching": "no",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "customSegmentId": "ABT_1_1|ABT_4_1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "entityName": "Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "entityType": "video",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "userId": "837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "youbora": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "accountCode": "m6",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "content.customDimension.10": "rtlnl",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     {
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "action": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "analytics": {
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "dimension24": "Player",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "dimension31": "Live TV",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "dimension46": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "eventCategory": "videos_for_player"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "title": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "short": "Live TV",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "long": "Live TV"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "content": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "contentTemplateId": "Player",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "items": [
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           {
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |             "itemContent": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "id": "8b09c6f84612c0ac29f502dc3f221b776af76853",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "title": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "extraTitle": "2. Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "thirdParties": {},
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "description": "De deelnemers doen in wagens, vaartuigen en andere vervoermiddelen een poging om de schans af te gaan en de bel te luiden. Met de onderdelen Tobbedansen, Snel naar de bel, Op naar de top en Met je as over de plas gaan ze weer glijden, plonsen, rijden, trappen, duwen en ook heel veel bellen! De waaghalzen en durfallen gaan met de mooiste en snelste creaties de schans af.",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "details": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "image": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 "id": "399005",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "3:1": "392293",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "16:9": "399005"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 {
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "2:3": "399006"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "ratio": "3:1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "3:1": "392293"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "ratio": "2:5",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "2:5": "211"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "3:4": "400169"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "ratio": "16:9",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "16:9": "399005"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "id": "19259",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "ratio": "15:4",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "15:4": "19259"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "id": "208768",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "ratio": "1:1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "1:1": "208768"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               ],
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               ],
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension1": "837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension3": "91a802a762f623a8b93a1262c296cccdc1bc70eb",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension4": "m6group_web",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension5": "yes",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension6": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension7": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension10": "video",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension11": "Videoland Paid",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension12": "replay",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension13": "vi",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension14": "Spelshow",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension15": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension16": "2. Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension17": "clip_64496",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension19": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension20": 1,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension24": "Player",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension29": "feature.videos_for_player",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension31": "Live TV",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension33": "2e9ab89d-4658-48c3-b761-9ec41f13d706",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension34": "subscriber",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension35": "main",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension36": "ABT_1_1|ABT_4_1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension46": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension52": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension57": "TV Gemist",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension58": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension59": 51,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension60": "male",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension61": "first",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension62": 1,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension63": "false",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension64": "false",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension65": "default",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension70": "Web",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension71": "locked",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension72": "003Qv00000Q6DK0IAN",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension73": "p1111589",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "dimension75": "1111592",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "eventAction": "player",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "eventLabel": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 "heartbeat-v2": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "polling": 240,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "clipId": 64496,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "serviceCode": "videoland",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "clipId": 64496,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "clipDuration": 3367,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "programId": "4191",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "uid": "837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "uidType": "gigya"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 "heartbeat-v3": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "contentType": "video",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "customSegmentId": "ABT_1_1|ABT_4_1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "continueWatching": "no"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "accountCode": "m6",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "content.isLive": false,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "content.title": "te_land_ter_zee_en_in_de_lucht - aflevering_2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "content.duration": 3367,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "content.id": "clip_64496",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "content.customDimension.4": "aflevering_2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "content.customDimension.5": 64496,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 "duration": 3367,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "16:9": "15538"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "16:9": "218"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 ],
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "endscreenDisplayTc": 3357
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "exportable": false,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "startOver": false,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "pictureInPicture": true,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "preferences": {
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 ]
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "action": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 "label": "Afspelen",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "name": "Lock",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "type": "lock",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "originalTarget": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "type": "app",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                           "title": "Play"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                         }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "reasonAttributes": {
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                         "32"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       ],
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                         "10"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       ]
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension1": "837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension3": "91a802a762f623a8b93a1262c296cccdc1bc70eb",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension4": "m6group_web",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension5": "yes",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension6": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension7": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension10": "video",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension11": "Videoland Paid",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension12": "replay",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension13": "vi",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension14": "Spelshow",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension15": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension16": "2. Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension17": "clip_64496",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension19": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension20": 1,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension24": "Player",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension29": "feature.videos_for_player",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension31": "Live TV",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension32": "_puid_837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a_DEFAULT0",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension33": "2e9ab89d-4658-48c3-b761-9ec41f13d706",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension34": "subscriber",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension35": "main",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension36": "ABT_1_1|ABT_4_1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension46": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension52": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension57": "TV Gemist",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension58": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension59": 51,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension60": "male",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension61": "first",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension62": 1,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension63": "false",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension64": "false",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension65": "default",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension70": "Web",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension71": "locked",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension72": "003Qv00000Q6DK0IAN",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "dimension73": "p1111589",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "eventCategory": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "eventAction": "player",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "eventLabel": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "heartbeat-v2": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "polling": 240,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "clipId": 64496,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "uidType": "gigya"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "session": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "serviceCode": "videoland",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "platformCode": "m6group_web",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "clipId": 64496,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "clipDuration": 3367,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "programId": "4191",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "uid": "837742dfab5e448dae8eeb8705bc8d5a",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                       "uidType": "gigya"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "heartbeat-v3": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "contentType": "video",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "videoId": "clip_64496"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "usabilla": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "pageView": "screen_view_video_page",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "subscriptionState": "subscriber",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "customSegmentId": "ABT_1_1|ABT_4_1",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "continueWatching": "no"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "youbora": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "accountCode": "m6",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.isLive": false,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.title": "te_land_ter_zee_en_in_de_lucht - aflevering_2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.duration": 3367,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.id": "clip_64496",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.channel": "undef",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.program": "te_land_ter_zee_en_in_de_lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.customDimension.1": "videoland",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.customDimension.3": "te_land_ter_zee_en_in_de_lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.customDimension.4": "aflevering_2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "content.customDimension.5": 64496,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               ],
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 "title": null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                     "caption": "Grof taalgebruik"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   null
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 ]
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |             }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         ],
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "totalItems": 1,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "alternativeContent": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "advertising": null
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "dimension46": null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "extraTitle": "Aflevering 2",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "extraDetails": "Spelshow",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               "incentive": null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 "ratio": "16:9",
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   "caption": "All audiences"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                 null
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |                   null,
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |               }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |             }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         ],
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "branding": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "title": "Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "picto": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "image": null
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "colorScheme": null
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   },
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   "parent": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "id": "4191",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "type": "program",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "seo": "te-land-ter-zee-en-in-de-lucht"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   "seo": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "serviceName": "Videoland Paid",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "isCatchup": true,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "containsFreemium": true,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "radio": false,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "services": [
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20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Videoland Kids",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Programmas",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "Videoland Catchup"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     ],
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "title": "Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "parent": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "id": "4191",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "slug": "te-land-ter-zee-en-in-de-lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "name": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "image": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "id": "399006",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "caption": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "ratio": "2:3",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "1:1": "208768",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "2:3": "399006",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "2:5": "211",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "3:1": "392293",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "3:4": "400169",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "15:4": "19259",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |           "16:9": "399005"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "description": "De deelnemers doen in wagens, vaartuigen en andere vervoermiddelen een poging om de schans af te gaan en de bel te luiden. Met de onderdelen Tobbedansen, Snel naar de bel, Op naar de top en Met je as over de plas gaan ze weer glijden, plonsen, rijden, trappen, duwen en ook heel veel bellen! De waaghalzen en durfallen gaan met de mooiste en snelste creaties de schans af.",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "copyrightHolder": "videoland",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "copyrightYear": null
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "image": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "id": "399006",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "caption": "Aflevering 2",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "ratio": "2:3",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "idsByRatio": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "1:1": "208768",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "2:3": "399006",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "2:5": "211",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "3:1": "392293",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "3:4": "400169",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "15:4": "19259",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |         "16:9": "399963"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "diffusionDate": 1725732480,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "metaRobots": "follow, index",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "video": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "episode": 2,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "season": 1,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "duration": 3367,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "programType": "Spelshow",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "programNature": "Flow Content",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "embedUrl": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "exportable": false
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     "metadata": {
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "title": "Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht : Aflevering 2 2024-09-07- Videoland",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "description": "Kijk Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht gratis op Videoland. Kijk Aflevering 2 nu",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "og:title": "Aflevering 2 - Videoland",
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |       "og:description": "Kijk Te Land Ter Zee En In De Lucht nu op Videoland"
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |     }
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   },
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   "redirection": null,
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - |   "flashMessages": []
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - chn_videolandnl.py   - 389  - + }
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - Could not playback the url
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - | Traceback (most recent call last):
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/actions/videoaction.py", line 48, in execute
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |     media_item = self.__channel.process_video_item(media_item)
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/resources/lib/chn_class.py", line 506, in process_video_item
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |     return data_parser.Updater(item)
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |   File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.retrospect/channels/channel.videoland/videolandnl/chn_videolandnl.py", line 394, in update_video_item
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |     dash_asset = dash_assets[0]
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - |                  ~~~~~~~~~~~^^^
20240912 13:51:09 - [CRITICAL] - videoaction.py       - 108  - + IndexError: list index out of range
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - kodisettings.py      - 70   - Removed Kodi settings-store
20240912 13:51:09 - [DEBUG   ] - localsettings.py     - 84   - Removed Local settings-store
20240912 13:51:09 - [INFO    ] - addon.py             - 65   - Retrospect :: Flushing and closing logfile.

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